CORPS OF ENGINEERS VESSEL DISPATCH OFFICE OF THE DISTRICT ENGINEER DETROIT DISTRICT DULUTH-SUPERIOR COAL DOCKS 609 FEDERAL BUILDING DETROIT 31, MICHIGAN To close of Season--1948 COMPARATIVE STATISTICAL STATEMENT OF LAKE COMMERCE Average Total Average Per 1000 Passing Through Dock Tonnage Cargoes Cargo Detention Dispatch Tons DMS TR os 1,037,473 95 10,920 1024:50 10:47 59 CANALS at SAULT STE. MARIE, MICHIGAN and Berwind 27 5 843,878 82 10,291 1376:15 16:47 1:38 ONTARIO for the Season of 1948 Hes 548,374 60 9,139. 1066:45. 1747 1:57 Zenit ees 869,522 107 8,126 1841:40 113 2:07 Total tcathe for Thérvease NW-Hanna: 352.5. .5 2,734,143 291 9,395 6363 :05 21:52 2:20 Items Season Amount Inland 60 2 ee 832,463 76 10,953 2028:15 26:41 2:26 1948 Yoe Of 7 es 389,972 47 8,297 999 :45 21:16 2:34 MWeSSEl DASSARCS 6 ae Number 24,294 2,020 Great Lakes Loe eee ee! i sO sles " used ane Propellers; Os ee a Number 21,403 1,678 Cammerie. 2-2 2. 868,231 89 9,755 2517215 28:17 2:54 ee Se ee ee poee He Cleveland-Cliffs........ 498,738 55 9,067 1464:00 26:37 2:56 Registered tonnage....................Net 86,855,190 3,588,085 PGR... ee eee. 264,074 ee Ne Ct eae os SE OS ht TES I SS el ake cise es : oo soon Mid-Continent......... 17,246 3 5,748 89:40 29:53 ack? ASSENLETS.. 6... ee umber 101 1,601 MM eS 9,857,031 1061 92905 2252750 » 2144 -- 2:17 ae oS See Short Tons 115,893,446 5,161,874 eos : ood products: . Pulowood 5. 688,930 137,093 DM & IR Vegetable products: Two Harbors, 2.70. 0. 216,606 27 8,022 624:35 23:08 2:50 PIQUE 223 ee es a eee Be a 62,552 8,701 Wheat. 2305 a ee 6,613,458 966,414 PITTSBURGH STEAMSHIP COMPANY Grain, other than wheat. 2. 02.38... .... 2. .% 2,584,299 227,993 Duluth Office Mineral products: Hees Se oe Aa. - ee eee 4,641,480 anvtactured iron & steels'... 023 4 62 ee ; 22,779 ae roe Be a ee ee ee is feos : pees LUMBER . COAL Mal, BOLO oo. ce. ere er oe ee ; j ,210,658 Coal Nara) er ee : : ee ee ers ets BUILDING SUPPLIES Pa, ea ae . oe a re ee peace eee / ; etrolennt products; 2.5 i ee a ; ; 83,1 1 -- ilar Pe ae es ee Oe ane 66,416 1 dock with warehouse, 30 X 300 NtQMoUIES 67 es ee ee ee 1,006 11,451 Al so dockage area for self unloaders *Includes broken stone, gravel and sand. 8 , ae pe States canal was opened 2 April 1948 and closed 16 December 1948; season of Water depth 20 ays. Sf Blea caat canal was opened 16 April 1947 and closed 14 December 1948; season of SPE ARS AND SONS INC ays. 5 e LOUIS J. RUMAGGI ' zZ . Colonel, Corps of Engineers Marquette, Michigan, on Lake Superior District Engineer 496