GENERAL INDEX INDEX OF CONTENTS Page A Pew Mistorical Pacts and Canals... <3. 23.2 ee 489 Alphabetical List ol Vessels: 6... eg ee ee. 129 Alphabetical List of Vessels, Showing Their Grain and Coal Oaryving Canaciiee 6. 6a. eas a 190 miphepetical List Of Owters:.. 0h. oe ee 97 Bippaveiical List of Passenecr Boats o.oo coe ik. 209 Plpbanetical List of. Car Peries.. 0.6. et 207 Alphabetical List ef Self-Unloading Boats ....... ioc. 183 Bulk Tonhace Snipments 36.6 ae es a a ee 488 Bula Grain Heceipis <2. 2 6 ee es 484 Canadian Caneis Tramc 66.03 a ee os 485 AIS a a a se ee 491 Rponais--Plack Hoew ..o. ck a ee Ss 2 es 334 OAD AIS a a ee eee 334 Pals Cs wero Branee. 660k. ee a i 334 Canals---Green. Bay to the Mississippi 2... ek eo ke 300 Canals---uare trie to Montreal 6 2 ee pe oh oe te eo we 3ao Canals--Ottawa & Rideau Rivers =... es Sas eek Oe oe ee 300 Oanais--Rienelen 7.5 ei ee ee eee, 330 Canhais--Lake Ontario to Georgian Bay .... 5.2.7. sbi eee. 335 Rmnais-pauie Oe, MOTIe co a ee a ee 335 Canais--siureeon Bay Ship. Canal 6.666... i. es ae, 330 Ger Peres 2. a a 207 Carrying Capacities of Lake Vessels «2.5. 2 i a 129-190 Caies Of Far 00rs oe ee a 498 rea 10 Le MSSISSIDON 2. ee ie i eee oe ee 334 Creen may to wie Mississipn! ... 24.52.05) Be 334 oa) Carry Capacitics OF Vessels 2.) 25k eee es 190 Coal & Miscellaneous Docks of the Great Lakes ................ 379 Coal Shipments--Bituminous from Charlotte--Sodus Point & RIGWORG ae er a 486 Coal Shipments--Anthracite from Charlotte--Sodus Point, NOM Mair Haven one OSWeEO... oc ek a ss 486 onl Bhininents PY POs 2 a de a 486 (oat Salpments to Canadian Ports 3. .u.6 6 os. ee 486 Coal Sbipinents--anturacite Coals oe Ou eee ee. 486 COA) Biipinents--- SiueunoUs 6455.3 es Le ev. 486 Goat Shipments to Duluth and: Superior 2.).% 6.8 oo is Pe a 496 Coast Guard. Stations: .2......5 23. eR ee 310 (oripass: Te Goo eink ee es A i. 8 Dry WOCKs Of The. Great iia 2. eae ek 374 Dui and. Siperior Cool Regge =. oe. a ee ee cs eon 496 PuGVa0ers Of the Great bakes =... a ee ee 337 Page Engines and Boilers of lake Ships ...:-3.c0c...ce elses es 246 First Ship' on the Great Lakes'... 2... ae. ee 489 First Steamer On the Great Lakes .... 2.4 ee, - 489 General Statistics of Great Lakes Vessels ................+-.5-. 129 Grain Carryine Capacities of Lake Ships ........2-.2. 1.22... 190 Grain Elevators of the Great Lakes .....:../..4--...1....4.-. 301 Grain Shipments by Gréat' lakes ports ........ 2.2 ee. 484 Grain Shipments from Chicago ......0. 2:67 ee. 484 . Grain Shipments from Milwaukee 0... 24.2600. ee 484 Grain Shipments from Duluth... io a ee oe 484 Grain Shipments: from. Port William, Ont. «... 22) 6.2 ee. 484 Grain Receipts at Chicago by Water...) 0-2... l.5.502 484 Grain Heeeipts at Buiialo 6.15.25... 484 GFain Receipts at Duluth by Water .....20 22. ee. 484 Grain Receipts ab Milwaukee by Water .......5...... 44... 484 Creat. Drakes, "Ene? o.oo oe Se 490 (sreat Lakes Careo Statistics 2.45 oe ee 488 GYreat bakes Cnart . 2.26.35 6 oe a 10 Parvor Charms 220.020.0040 a 267 Piisporical: Pacts 4 6665 6 ie ae ee 489 Home Ports for Ships Nepgistered . 3, 3. i a eke 333 Illinois Waterway--Locks, Dams, & Controlling Clearances .... 331 ivem Ore Loadimie DOCKS... 6.5 4.2) se ee a, 481 a70n Ore: Uinleating DOCKS 9... 2 ee ee ee 365 fron. Ore Dock Supt 's--Upper Lake Docks |... .. :25..2.1..24.2 3. 481 TON Ore enlpiments go ee ee 486-487 quake Mitie, 10: Montreal 2. os ee, 300 Eamestone SGHipMments .. co. ee 488 Miscelianeous: DOCKS 60 6... a ee, 379 Mississipp) River Data... 6. a 329-330 Names of Tues which have been CRanged ..... 5. 23. 2 ese, 292 Names of Vessels which have been changed .....:.............0. 216 New York State Barge Canal Terminals ............5..,.2 45). 319 New York State Canal System--Tables of Locks and Miles ...... gan New York State Canal System--Distance Tables of points ....... 323 New York State Canal System--Mileage from New York to FUEL se a 323 New York State Canal System--Distance Tables and points ..... 326 pea eee State Canal System--Data on Bridges, Locks, Boats, os Gone i os ee Oe ee So See ee New York State Canal Systems--Locks, Mileage Distances ...... 326 New York State Canal System--Champlain Canal .............. 326 New York State Canal System--Seneca & Cayuga Canal ........ 327 508