NAMES OF BOATS WHICH HAVE BEEN CHANGED PRESENT NAME. OLD NAME. PRESENT NAME. OLD NAME. Str, Acadian ( 00>... Glenmavis. Str. -Bafin (Can). a, War Hydra. Ate Lake Frohna. "Bailey; FoA 3 oe J. H. Sheadle. Adams, Ciuyler.. 20.2 .. Sahara. Oo Wale. 2 Grace Grummond. f A AGvance. = 2 ok. 4 or lL, Paley. Bye. Batavia. 26 a Whaleback 126. Po Ae ee O. J. Lingemann--Lake Catherine. bee OS Sir Jos. Whitworth (Whaleback ) = passe Roi ol. W. A. Hawgood. str. Batiscan (Can.). 22. United States. oe Avees, Wa Roswell P. Flower. ' Bacoi (Can) es ee Calgary. 7 caales, Joon W..- 0 Baltic--W. W. Brown. © ae pe ee, W. W. Brown. bee Alived J. (Can.).- W. LeBaron Jenny. M.S. Barnes, Andrew M....... £21: 202: miu eivocen (Can)... se. John J. Barlum. '5 Barnes, Richard J... 3. EL; 10k papeman 2d... 8 a Bainbridge. str, arpum, GG. 2 a Socapa. we Peer (oan). Home Smith--Wnm. S. Mack. Bge. Baroness... 2. Whaleback 126. = Pagosao (Can): 65 2S J. F. Taylor--Saturn. Str. Barthelme, M, J..2.0 22. Central West--J. J. McWilliams ' Algonteel (Can.).......... Thomas Barlum. ** Barthelme, Michael J... ..Sir. Henry Bessemer. o Wipoway (Can) 2... 23 John J. Boland, Jr.--Henry P. Werner-- 'Battleford (Can) 22. | Glenross G. Watson French. "(Battie (Can) onc. 5 246: R. P. Kernan. 7 etodoc (Can)... Indus--Lake Shore. arn, Aa a S. S. Wilhelm. 2 AMmeneas Mohawk. "© Batiscan (Cai) i. | United States. 2 mMmur (Can). J. H. Plummer. "Battle, Mary (Can.).....Lilhe Smith. = Anderson, John-...... Luzon. 2s Bay Cay oe Colgate Hoyt (Whaleback ). ey AMEE eS BS oe ee Wm. F. Kenny. ey POW E. B. Bartlett (Whaleback). S AiTdicost: (Can) i. Glenclova. Bay state... Co oe J. L. Colby (Whaleback ). s Arce. = James-B. Wood. > Baviaxs (Can)... oe Frank C. Osborn OBS a H. S. Holden. "Dayton: Francis Widlar. < PIONA ie City of Racine. "o) Bay View. 2's: A. D. Thompson (Whaleback ). AemMeton Fe Glencadam--F. P. Jones "> Bawaung (Can) Fortune. Bge. PU D. P. Rhodes. ". Beaumont Parks. ... 02... Renown. arthur (Can). 2. GC. Trimpa. Beaupre (Can. )o.yo 6 Montreal. Str. ASibay (oan). es Tourneur. Op OANOr Gee Oval Agitator. : Asherott (Can:) 2.00. Gleniffer. > peeker, Wo Fis Ss A. W. Thompson. a PO a Russell Sage. Ho pBeechbay (an: )- 77. . Riveur. é Atikokan (Can.).,.......J. B. Trevor. we ela ee H. S. Wilkinson. : Atlantic Trader 3). F. J. Peterson--Crathorne = Belchers (Can)... 2. War Hamilton. : Atterbury, W. W......... Conemaugh. "Belleville (Can.). Spartan. mane (Can) oo Rosemount. > Bellevitle (Can)... Arabia-Bickerdike - Maplebrook-- bee. Queer, A, (Can.).. 6.2. Buffalo. Windsor. we Cherokee. _ se Beloen (Can. ) 4c. 2a: Pelerin. mit ack ay): Juneau--Burlington. ". Benmaple (Can.). 30. S. N. A. No. 1--International. Pee Pode ee Whaleback 110. =o SDONRINGtON St. Paul. M-S Pager State. Georgian-- Yukondoc--Fordonian. Boe, Berrshive, 0.00 ee John Scott Russell (Whaleback ). We carry names in this list of boats that are extinct, but they are carried for historical and reference purposes.