ENGINES AND BOILERS OF LAKE SHIPS--Continued ENGINES BOILERS Year -- Type | Cylinders and Stroke | No. | Type | Size Built mayer, Wo Pot Ouad. RxD. 2 23-33.14-48-69x42 2 Seotch 237.2. ao: 14'9"'x12/2"" 1912 Been STOOD 15-25-40x27 Z Scotch... #355. 1926 EO Friple Kyo... | - 20-3314-55x40 a Scotch =... 22. . 152x176" 1903 DUNO a dnple bxp.. 20-33-54x40 2 SCOECH 4.0, Td'x 12' 1902 Seemer (040) 8 TrHple Exp... 22-35-58x40 2 SCOLCH . 625051 132x116" 1902 Sout AMCiCale Quad Exp... 2114-3034-4414-64x36 3 SCOUGN =. 5. I2*x 14' 1914 petition: (an) 'Triple ixp. 22 15-25-40x33 2 SCOECH 2 106° 51010" 1929 SORA Triple BXp. 23-35-58x40 2 DOOtCH 1a 2 x16" 1901 pobucebay (an). 2 liple Exp. 23. 12-20-31144xl6% 2 Scotch .0 2 1160x958" 1920 Siackliotise Powel... ayiple Exp. 3 22 14-38-63x42 2 DCOtCH 2 t. 1467x116! 1905 Staacoa (an) driple Exp... 2 2414-4114-72x48 3 SCOLGH <9 Is x16" 1929 Siancard Portland Cement. = atiple Bx. 22 14-36-60x42 2 Scote 13'S"x1 16" 1909 Blaney, Money = triple Bp. 3 24-41-68x42 2 Water Tube. 1943 peamon, joun Pople ESD 2314-38-63x42 2 Scotch 14'°6"x11'6" 1905 plamute (an) 6. Triple Hxp a 19-30-54x40 2 Scotch 6 LG o x11" piarnuoune (Can) 2 Tople bx. 16-2614-44x33 2 Scotch... 12st 1923 Sewer (a) Priple Exp. se 15-25-40x33 a SCOLEH. 2 2 10'x10910" 1929 mictprenner denry, 0. gc Spe hep 2, 23-38-63x40 2 Seoteh 3.3 16 xi f 1921 sieel CenNSt el sa ee a 3 Diesel Electric ...... 1 Donkey (5.2. 5/3/"x9 1926 Dee ine Triple Exo. 77 ss, 22 14-38 14-6414x42 2 COUCH 13907114" 1913 PIPCUNOUM ce Diesel a 1 Donkey 4... 408. 53'x9" 1926 SienvenGGr 0 Diesel 3 1 Donkey... 53 x9" 1923 SeHON THple Exp 3 24-41-68x42 2 Water Pube. 2... 1943 stepuensan (2c0, 0 dniple Exp. 4 21-36-60x44 2 SOOtCN 14'511'6" 1913 Stewart, James (Can). 2 atiple Exp... 17-28-46x33 Z Scotch 2.206. 12'x11' 1926 miewart, BOWL We Triple Hye... 2314-38-63x42 2 Scotch = 15'4"'x11'6" 1928 seewath Win, (Can) 2 Triple Wxp. 1314-2014-34x24 2 Scotch, 22 2. ISO" x 112" 1932 Sie We Triple Exp. Go 21-3414-57x42 2 Scotch. 20. 1x16" 1908 Stone, Amasa. ee ee a Jtpe Esp. 2 23-38-63x42 2 ScOtGh. <. e. 14'6"x12'6" 1938 Diralis OF Wiackinge dple Exp. 0. 16-26 14-45x33 2 Scotch: 4. 1110°x 11/2" 1928 Oro ean Teiple Exp... 22-35-58x42 2 Scotch 14'x11' 1927 Suivan brothers)... Quad. Exp 720) 0.°5, 15-2334-3614-56x40 2 Water Tube... 12'x10' 1901 eueeag to Hviple Exp... 2.4.4... 2314-38-63x42 2 Scotch. 1465116" 1907 ee Anple Bap. 20-33-54x40 2 Scotch == 1A'%12° 1902 Pe Muad xp. eo 17-26-39-60x40 2 Water Tube... 2... 36x15" 1925 Oe Quad Exp 15-2334-26 14-56x40 2 Water Tube... l2xi1! 1901 mepetor (Ogn dtiple xp. 1714-2834-47x33 2 Seater «a 12'6"'x11' 1931 266 ie