ENGINES AND BOILERS OF LAKE SHIPS--Continued | ENGINES BOILERS Year VESSEL Built Type Cylinders and Stroke No. | Type | - Size pee ee irple Exp. 4. 21-3414-57x42 2 Scotch. 22... 624 < 13x12" 1911 meta (any 'furbivies 34-42-42x 2 Scotch 64 223. 17'6"x10'6" 1904 aret Cape (an). Ttaple Exp: oe 22-36-59x39 2 Water Tube....... 127310 1L" 1895 eee Ae a 'Thine Exp... 20-33-54x44 Z Septel 3 Lo'x 12! 1916 Ae Oe) a Dripple EXD. ea 18-2734-48x33 2 Pre .upe. 20. 5, 10'O' x09" 1913 etree atates Gypsum. Triple Bro 63 23-37-63x42 2 SCO = ee Ps 1910 Se Atiple Bap. 23-38-63x42 2 Score 2 167x116" 1909 Pee ee: Triple sp 2314-38-63x42 2 Scotch. A: Ses 14°66" x16" 1908 Sc ES CN ae Quad Expo a 19-27 14-40-58x42 3 SCObi IY xi'G" 1904 Maes (amy (Can) a Triple Exp 3 17-23-43x30 2 BCOLGN 6 10'6"x12'6" 1927 Re Ouad. Exp oie, 2014-3014-44-6314x42 oS Sceotth 3. 12'x10'6" 1898 Nee ae 'Eraple Exp) 3 0 21-33-57x42 2 Seotch.| 6 oo. 12°67 x12' 1904 ROG a sca AYIDG BED... 22-35-58x40 2 SCOLEN 13/2 °x1 Ve" 1901 a ee ariplg EXD 22 144-36-60x42 2 SCOLGH ee. [4/6"x 116" 1907 NR ot. & A Comp. 3. 10-20x16 z Pure Box 8'x12' 1908 WeerOue (CW) 'diple Bxo: 52.2 2 22-38-63x40 2 SeOtch.. - 3.50 = 13/021 6" 1912 Ne ee, pple Ixp. nt ee. 21-41-66x42 2 Scotch. 154" x16 1908. ee ee Drip e Experi 18-29-48x30 2 SCOlLED 13'2°x104" 1902 Nera: Mennett (Can)... eo 2 Triple EXD. 33 5. 22 14-36-60x42 Z SOOtCh. oo 6. [EO SIG? 1908 weprees Budeis Mk Geared Turbine........ 2 Water Tube. -..... 1942 Mee ee, Triple Exp =e. 2014-34-56x36 4 SCOLCH 14'6"x12' 1927 DP anconcan an.) ee: TTiple ESO. oe 18-28-47x33 2 Sonn 8. 12'67s106" 1903 Me Quad. Pap oe 1814-2814-4314-66x42 Z Wat. Tube B. & W. 1938 a Juiple Bxp... 222. 2314-38-63x42 2 SCOtCh, 2:2 a 14'S" si2 2" 1941 Mee tiple Exp. 2214-36 1%-60x42 2 SeOtCh 14'S =i" 1928 Wee tomas. a ee Aviple Exp. 2: 400 24-39-65x42 a SeOtCh. ec: 16 x1 1'6"? 1911 Veet We Can.) 2... Ample Pax a, 19-2814-47x33 2 seotch 6 ee, 10°10"x 1010". 1925 Wena an (Geared Turbine 3.7). 2 Water Tube... 1938 We fete ple Use ee 25-40-68x42 2 SCOIGn a. 16'x11'G6" 1914 Wee a Triple Pup. 6.20. 24-38-65x42 2 Sootch 426: 16'x12' 1908 268