TUGS OF THE GREAT LAKES § DIMENSIONS ENGINES BOILERS NAME 3 So OWNERS 2 2 1 B D be Type Size No. Type Size Built 6 | é6 >a Aclipson Se Wood. 44 513" Ia7"" 32" 1920 Earl S. Miniger, Vermilion, O. Adaline V. (Can.)....... Wood 45 54° -134 687 19is A. E. Fader, Ft. Wm., Ont. Addison, Josephine...... Wood 47: 5)' 14'S" 58" O19 Ora Endress, Grand Marais, Mich. Adelia S. (Can) 2... wood. 19. Ol' 1137 32" 19K) Charlemagne Towing Co., Ltd., Montreal. Agnes Wo Can.) 320.2. Wood 10 . 47° 12' 30" . 1900 Geo. W. Coll, Erieau, Ont. Ajax (Can). Wood 33. 54. 146" GP 1907 W. F. C. Boyd, Bobcaygeon, Ont. Alabama... 2220.2 Steel 08-71. 20. 12' 1916 Simple Zoxco 1. FB 7'x12'/3"" 1916 Great Lakes Towing Co., Cleveland, O. Alaska: (Can.).. 0... Wood 139 .. 85'5" 21' <5" 1925 Steeple 16-27x16 1 S&S 112ixil2" Sin-Mac Lines, Montreal, Que. Albatross: 5.5... a: Wood 40. 636" 15'6". 7'6" 1589 Stadium Yacht Basin, Cleveland. Alberta M. (Can.)..... Woed . 38. 693" 15' 65" 1907 8-12x12 1 FB Joseph Milliman, Meldrum Bay, Ont. Aletta Wood 22° 476" 13'5" 7" 1923 Great Lakes D. & D. Co., Chicago, II. Algred S03 Steel oo O42" 1S ST 1908 Union Fish Co., Erie, Pa. Alfred Wo. 3... Wood 56. 6072 17°. 106" 1805 Duluth Superior. Dredging Co., Duluth. Algoma (Can:). 22... .. Wood 5 BOG 84%" 340 190) C. W. Archer, Bracebridge, Ont. Alice'. gee Wood 24 43' IZ 4 GO! 1910 J. J. Lenz, Milwaukee, Wis. Alice (Can) o 3522230. Wood = 48. .70'8" 134", 8.1901 J. R. Booth, Ottawa, Ont. Alxet. Wood. . 31° 56' 15'5 oS" 1926 John Girvin, Mnaistique, Mich. Allan, Sir Hush (Can.).:Steel +354. 100 20'G" 12°1" 1911 Harbour Commissioners, Montreal, Que. 'Alpena... Steel 65 . O87" 17° 11? 1917 HP 22x24 | 6'x11'9'" 1917 Great Lakes Towing Co., Cleveland, O. America; .-000 Steel 03. 832° 212" 96" 1807 'b-& A 16x32x28 LEB 7'x12'3" 1897 Great Lakes Towing Co., Cleveland, O. Amership. Steel 70 ASS" 123 oo" 1914 NC 10-10x12 1 90"x46"" 1914 Buffalo Dry Dock, Buffalo, N. Y. Any (Can). 2052. Wood 40 852° 157° 72-180) W. J. Ponpore Co., Ltd., Montreal, Que. Apna. (Cdn) 2 Steel 144 101 2Y ll'... 1902. Gomp"' 2-1]5-a2522. 1S 10'x1)' © 1929 on Lakes Paper Co., Ltd., Ft. William, nt. Anea.). 2 2 20 Wood 19. 40. 12' A'4'* 1018 Martin Mechalson, Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. Anna 2 Wood: Zi 408" 126" So" [80s Joseph Adrian, Milwaukee, Wis. Argo (Cano 8 Wood 20 S04". 115" 48" 1906 David Foster, Pt. Coldwell, Ont. AIPOSY 2. ge Steel 48 69 16' TA™ 1904 Squaw Isl. Sand & Gravel, Buffalo, N. Y. Argyle 2D (Can.). <2... Steel 103. 59'S" 20' 58" 1936 R. S. Fraser, Keewatin, Ont. Arkansas... 4-0. Steel 98 74. 20°. 176" 1907 H&P 18-31x24 1 FB 9'6'x12' 1907 Great Lakes Towing Co., Cleveland, O. Argenta: Steel Ot 74. 20. ie ORE Great Lakes Towing Co., Cleveland, O. Arnold, Fanney (Can.)..Wood 73 89 18' O 1882 Steeple" 15-30x22 1.5 106 x11' J. P. Porter & Sons, Montreal. Que. AITOW. oe es Steel my 6Gl4 16)" oO" 10m John E. Steimle, Milwaukee, Wis. Ashtapila 3 Steel 65. 68' Ti 11'6"' 1915 Simple Binet 71 8'x12' 1915 Great Lakes Towing Co., Cleveland, O. ASDEN 0 2. Steel 27/ 1178" 25'. 11710" 1905 Comp 16x3ix24.1°S 11'9"x12' 1905 U.S. Light House Service. Atlas 2 2, Steel 58. OO 164". 71-1911 Diesel _ Merritt, Chapman & Scott, New York, N.Y. Aubrey... -. 2... 4. . Wood. 47 565' 153" 7'9"" 1908 1 EB 6'6"x11' 1909 Stadium Yacht Basin, Cleveland, Ohio 295