INLAND SURVEY BUREAU, Ine. Cargo and Hull Carriers Liability--P. & I. Surveyors-Appraisers-Adjusters Lakes Erie, Ontario--Georgian Bay--Hudson and St. Lawrence Rivers--Lake Champlain and New York State Barge Canals--Port of New York OFFICES Buffalo, N. Y. Montreal, P. Q., Oswego, Baldwinsville and Schenectady, N. Y. Cleveland and Toledo, O. Goderich and Midland, Ont. NEW YORK, N. Y. BUFFALO, N. Y. 111 John St. Tel. Beekman 3-1288 Tel. Washington 8241 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. JAS. A. ROGAN YARD PHONE AUG. HAUSLER Tel. So. Chicago 6552 So. Chicago 7640-1 Tel. So. Chicago 5738 Calumet Shipyard & Dry Dock Co. 94th ST. & CALUMET RIVER, SO. CHICAGO, ILL. --BUILDERS OF-- STEEL & WOOD, DIESEL OR STEAM, TUGS, YACHTS, SCOWS, DREDGES --REPAIRS TO-- BOILERS, ENGINES, ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT HULLS STEEL OR WOOD ELECTRIC and ACETYLENE WELDERS PROMPT ATTENTION DAY or NIGHT 319