Steamship Company Stocks Bought and Sold BOB JONES Saunders, Stiver & Co. Stocks and Bonds PRospect 4500 446 Terminal Tower CLEVELAND, O. MERTES-MILLER, INC. Ship Repairs, Blacksmithing, Boiler Repairing and Electric Welding by U. S. Marine Certified Welders. Telephone: Mitchell 7570 Night: Edgewood 0069R -- Sheridan 6446 1561 S. Barclay St. Milwaukee, Wis. WALKER & NOONAN - - MARINE SURVEYORS Great Lakes & Inland Waterways Damage Surveys - - Condition and Appraisal : on MACHINERY WHARVES & STRUCTURES CARGO SURVEYS 327 South La Salle Street Chicago 4, Illinois Telephone -- WABASH 8304 HULLS DOCKS C. W. BRYSON Lake Transportation TEL: MAIN 8880 823 Rockefeller Building CLEVELAND 13, OHIO 332