GRAIN ELEVATORS OF THE GREAT LAKES--Continued Can load 80 cars in 10 hours. Can handle any size boat. R. R. Conn.: Penna. Supt.--Theo. L. Musser. Res. Phone 58-114. FAIRPORT, OHIO Staley Mfg. Co., A. E.-- Main Office Decatur, III. Painesville, Ohio. Storage capacity 1,000,000 bu. Marine loading spout 1. Capacity per hour 20,000 bu. Car loading spouts 4. Car loading capacity 125 cars per day. Depth of water at dock 20 feet. Can handle any size boat. R. R. Conn.: B. & O. Mgr.--H. D. Ealy. FORT WILLIAM, ONT. Consolidated-- Saskatchewan Pool Terminals, Ltd., Winnipeg, Man. Mer., Harry Sellers. Kaministiquia River, Fort William, Ont. Marine loading legs 3. Capacity per hour 10,000 bu. each Number loading spouts 8. Storage capacity 1,750,000 bu. Depth of water at dock 22 feet. Can handle any size boat. Rk; R. Conn::-©. P. R. Supt.--E. Glover. Empire-- ~ Electric (Phoenix )-- Bole Grain Co., Ltd., Fort William, Ont. D.L Bole, Mgr. Upper turning basin, Kaministiquia River. Marine loading legs 3. Capacity per hour 15,000 bu. each. Number loading spouts 3. Storage capacity 1,000,000 bu. Depth of water at dock 22 feet. Can handle any size boat. "oR. R-Conn.: C. Po R. and C. N: BR: Supt.--W. Kirkpatrick. Phone South 369. ae Consolidated Grain Co., Winnipeg, Man., C. F. Hayles, gr. Kaministiquia River, Fort William, Ont. Number loading spouts 8. Capacity per hour 35,000 bu. Storage capacity 1,750,000 bu. Elevation charge per bu. 1%4c. Depth of water at dock 23 feet. Days of free storage 15. Can handle any size boat. R. KR. Conn: ©, FP. RB. Supt.--J. A. Campbell. Res. Phone South 1773. Fort William "F"-- Fort William Elevator Co., Ltd., Winnipeg, Man., W. G. Ketch- apaw, Mer. Kaministiquia River, Fort William, Ont. Marine loading legs 3. Capacity per hour 12,000 bu. each. 345