- DECEMBER 1943 LAKE SUPERIOR IRON ORE REPORT ON CONSUMPTION, STOCKS ON HAND, AND BLAST FURNACE OPERATIONS GROSS TONS OF IRON ORE CONSUMED BY FURNACES (1) (2) MONTH U.S, Canada Total Decemper 1943 3238 7,313,034 196,062 7,509,09 November 143.00. 210 7,230,924 178,289 7,409,219 December 1942.0 7,540,841 218,525 7,759,366 YEAR--Cumiulative Véar 1043 02 oe ee 86,585,241 2,442,448 89,027,689 Year 194230 a ea 83,714,442 2,511,018 86,225,460 GROSS TONS OF IRON ORE ON HAND At Furnaces On Lake Erie Docks Total DS.) Canada Total (2) U.S. Only Stocks Jan. d, 1944: 35,773,787 1,445,656 37,219,443 6,209,198 43,428,641 Month Ago..... 41.3939,(32 > 1640717 -.42.977,449 6,393,581 49,371,030 Year Ago... 2... 39,277,113 1,326,437 40,603,550 6,820,871 47,424,421 BLAST FURNACES DEPENDING PRINCIPALLY ON LAKE SUPERIOR ORE Number in Blast Number Idle Total U.S. Canada Total U.S. Canada Total Furnaces Jans tl 1944.2 176 6 182 10 4 14 196* Month Ago.=..-5. 176 x 183 9 2 11 194 Vear Ago... 0 =: 175 9 184 # 0 " 191 (1) Includes Open Hearth Ore, as heretofore. (2) Includes Lake Superior Ore at plants which also consume other ores, as heretofore. *Includes 2 new furnaces--1 Carnegie Illinois Steel Corp., Braddock, Pa. 1 Algoma Steel Corp., Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., Canada The Lake Superior Iron Ore Association 1170 Hanna Building Cleveland, Ohio January 19, 1944 DECEMBER AND SEASON 1943 LAKE SUPERIOR IRON ORE SHIPMENTS FROM UPPER LAKE PORTS GROSS TONS--RAILROAD WEIGHTS December %Z December Z Port Dock 1943 of Total 1942 of Total Hseanaba. 3.22. C&NW 43,773 5.84 62,691 9.86 Marquette..... DSS & Ae ee a Marquette........ ES'& foi. 9,465 1.26 52,566 8.27 Ashland: (2 33. CiS NW ee ee ee ee rs 21,866 3.44 Ashland 3.40 63. Soo. ine a i Superior... 2. Great Nor. <2. 28,096 3.75 94,267 14.83 BUDCrIOn:. 22 Soo bine... 02. 12,170 1.62 9,845 1-55 Superior... 233, NOE. bacs 0 6. 4,326 58 S228 <oL Duhith. 432 DM &IR....: 394,674 52.66 228,227 35.88 Two Harbors...... DM @ Ane 257,008 . 34.29 163,140 25.66 U.-S5 Ports... Potale. 2 749,512 100.00 635,829 100.00 Michipicoten...... Algoma: Censoci) (420. (Oe ee ee ee Grand? otal. a ee 749,512 100.00 635,829 100.00 Increase from Year Ago............ 113,683 17.88% CUMULATIVE FOR SEASON Season % Season vA Port Dock 1943 of Total 1942 of Total Escanaba......... Ce NW 6,330,565 7.50 6,255,360 6.79 Marquette........ DSS&A 601,736 ork 684,603 74 Marquette........ Disa bee 3,196,873 3.79 4,174,402 4.53 Ashland = 20. C& NW 3,743,483 4.44 4,251,471 4.62 Ashland 3250 54.5. 5. Soo lime... 1,705,859 2.02 1,928,822 2.10 Sirpenlor. 37 Great: Nor....... 24,936,189 29.54 28,717,689 31.20 Superiore 3 Soo bine...) 1,200,720 1.42 1,206,841 Lot Superior... 2.2. NOD Paes 1,596,033 1.89 1,604,085 1.74 Duluth: oe: DM & IR so. 21 373.1 lo D532 23,968,309 26.03 Two Harbors... ~ DM: & ER. .2. 19,275,591 22.84 18,812,328 20.43 US: Ports = =. Totals. 83,960,822 99.47 91,603,910 99.49 Michipicoten...... Algoma Cen...... 444,030 '35: 472,871 sl Grand Potala 84,404,852 100.00 92,076,781 100.00 Decrease from Year Ago............ 7,671,929 8.338% N94 92,076,781 T93Q 45,073,052 193860500 44,822,023 194) 80,116,360 1938) 19,263,011 1935.72 28,362,368 1940. os aes. 63,712,982 193870 eS 62,598,836 1984 tL: 22,249,600 The Lake Superior Iron Ore Association 1170 Hanna Building, Cleveland, Ohio December 8, 1943 485