Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Green's Great Lakes Directory, 1944, p. 70

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PALISADES TWo HARBORS OuLuTH 45° 2 ppostLe Sia 90° eR wBR, AGATE y oe mAN TOV I. DEVILS. ao! /Jourer \. p< STOCKTON }. BORTAGE L.&R. OHvuROn |. ZD ane WINNEBAG n Br. L : Po Face HBR are KEWEENAW PT, : SH TAGE woos" SETE GRise BAY PCANACRERS O STANDARD Rock NOs ad 6 7) 85° @0° THE GREAT LAKES N h ° 3 no MANITOUUN US Ae sree? toneny 1. Ce ° bead, 2 GEORGIAN e BAY w SOLER ses peney SOUND \cpperee HARBOR / e _ oe LUDINGTON PENTWATER MONTAGUE WHITEHALL MUSKEGON CRAND HAVEN ND. °SCopa E. TAWASQ MS PT.AU GRES~Y e : x Pre a © P.ALBERT "AG. S s. 1a -- y, a Ake, bGodERICH 8 G Ay NO [fe % Cap, oe % 9 r wt ~ % BAYFIELD 44, 3, SAGINAW Gone x p.o + LAKEview LEXINGTON Bo as +9352 PrHURONG LEARMIA 2 >32 Ne CLAIR R- : = 5 2 > BARIe cir, 'ST. = 2a e LAKE ST. cLaiR eo a. NEw . SLASCow DETROIT RONDEAU HBR. RIVER rouce Win osor SEaLtowN WYANDOTTE AmHensryton 2, Zee TRON River yeas Mer < --- oe oS z a eG 4 e 9, MomRoE grace BAY CS viie L "Sy a poses e Vere. PELER }. "Ain Bu, TOLEDO Sei MES AYS I oe | Pp E N m cusnto CLEVELAND yt. mr 60 ' be "Ry A So AS si 9 Oe kup e an > ' 80 Copyrighted by Fred W. Green, 1944 70

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