HERE'S THE WAY to reduce unloading time and cut handling costs for coal, ore, limestone, gypsum and many other bulk materials. By using Blaw-Knox Buckets, you can often cut unloading time by 15 to 35%. In many cases, time saved adds up to two or three extra trips a season for the boats. Skillful design and the effective distribution of bucket weight are two of the many Blaw-Knox Bucket features which result in such economical and profitable operations. Blaw-Knox engineering consultation is at your service without obligation to assist you with exist- ing crane operations, or in working out details of application on new installations to conform to prescribed duty cycle, capacity requirements, and mechanical operating conditions which must be observed. Fer complete details about Blaw-Knox Buckets and competent engineering service, write for Bulletin 2392. BLAW-KNOX EQUIPMENT DIVISION PITTSBURGH 38, PA. Offices in Principal Cities