1909-1963--55th Edition Green's Great Lakes and Seaway Directory, Inc. Authorized Representatives BUFFALO, N. Y. R. A. KILLINGER Boland & Cornelius Marine Trust Bldg. CHICAGO, ILL. Miss Alma Johnson 1790 Board of Trade Bldg. 141 W. Jackson Blvd. CLEVELAND, OHIO M. E. GREEN 25069 Lorain Rd. DULUTH, MINN. CARL R. SWANSON 426 N. 12th Ave., E. ERIE, PENNA. HAROLD R. SMITH 1413 West 10th St. ELYRIA, OHIO F. M. MORGAN 418 Winckles St. HURON, OHIO F. M. MORGAN 418 Winckles St. Elyria, Ohio | Revised and Compiled by M. E. Green. FRED W. GREEN, Founder M. E. GREEN e P. D. GREEN Containing Complete information regarding the con- struction of American and Canadian Vessels, names and addresses of their owners, lists of Steam- ship Corporations, also information con- cerning Grain Elevators, Harbors, Ore and Coal Docks of the Great Lakes, St. Lawrence Sea- way, Mic, Ete, Ete. KEax%eDr Price Per Copy, $20.00 POSTPAID Keston Edited by M. E. GREEN 25069 Lorain Road NORTH OLMSTED, OHIO Phone: SP. 7-0130 Printed in U. S. A. All rights reserved. This Book is protected by copyright, no part of it may be duplicated or reproduced in any manner, without written permission from the publisher. Authorized Representatives LORAIN, OHIO F. M. MORGAN 418 Winckles St., Elyria, Ohio MILWAUKEE, WIS. FITZGERALD CO., INC. R. W. Brodie Grain Exchange MONTREAL, QUE. HAROLD D. GAUDARD Sincennes-McNaughton Tugs, Ltd. 635 Common St. OSWEGO, N. Y. FRANK J. ROWLINGSON 80 W. Mohawk St. SANDUSKY, OHIO F. M. MORGAN 418 Winckles St., Elyria, Ohio SHEBOYGAN. WIS. A. A. LANDWEHR 2115 North 7th St. TOLEDO, OHIO WINDSOR, ONT. Cc. F. WAUGH NORTHWEST STEAMSHIP'S LTD. 1619 Windsor Ave. Copyrighted by M. E. Green, 1963 |