GENERAL DIMENSIONS AND STATISTICS--Continued a CAPACITY OF COMPA : . p sedate HATCHES z g : GH ce IF RTMENTS ) 6 naan Oe oe | a ee ee ge be Gl eee ee is Bee eel ae te) Se Se cee eC STEAMERS *84A Inland Seas M/V..... 687 Steel 165° ot 1 10522 fs 1958 Boom 30 ft. Bunkers 8000 gals. 1 lower hold 2 compartments 3000, 1 shelter deck, 1 compartment 2000. 1 2 3 *84 International, The.... 7984 Steel 13500 587'-934 60' 32' 34 9'x38' 21° 3 Arch Side 1923 GSa3 eal. sZt gal 74333 gal. Bunkerage of Oil ee -26'0"x28'0"" 2-28'0'x28/0" . 4278 troquois (Can.)..... 2299.89 Steel 4089 253/0" 43/10" 22'6" 4 £.36'0"238/0" 3-28/0""x28/0" 1955 47039 79332 49074 Cu. ft. size of 1. Fons. BP. Bunkers 9348 S. Tons 1 2 88 Irvingwood M/V 2-44'x36! 2 Arch Side 1952 88381 88786 Cu. ft. Pulp (Cap jo. 2352.85 Steel 3369 252' 43/107 22' 4 2-43'x36' Carrier Electric Cranes 6 ton S. W. L. Conduit Bilges 6 6 6 §141 Irvin, William A...... 8240 Steel 13800 586' 60' 32'6" 18 ieee 24' 3 Arch Side 19238 -4150 3500 4250 : 7 8 8 7 "340 iIshpeming........ 70i5 Steel 10100 530' 36' 3 51 8 12' 4 Arch Side 1906 2500 2500 2600 2500 73 Island Transport : (Can). 2 1931.05 Steel 21600 250' 43'2" 18' 5 Oil Tight 1931 Bunker Fuel Oil 1300 Bbls. 139 Jackson, Herbert C...12.752 Steel a OoU 7S iO" 20 OL" Arch Side 1959 550 5.1. Coal 89 Johanna (Foreign)M/V1980 Steel 2930 258'634' 41/8" 23/7142 Diesel 1952 No. 1--Hatch lower 31.895 No. 1--59'1/5" No. 2--55'1"" 2 Compts. each hatch No. 2--Hatch lower 39.920 Lower hold and tweendeck No. 1--Tweendeck 27.569 Boom 6 at 3 tons, 2 at 10 tons, 1 at 15 tons No. 2--Tweendeck 38.850 54A Joe Van (Tug)...... 33 Steel 4914' 15' 7 1905 o foon,J.8.......... 649 Steel SoU. 47 a 6 Arch Side 1926 Cement Carrier 103. Johnson, Chas. W. (Can)... 1170.38 Steel 2504 45) 6 6 6 $141 Johnson, Horace..... 7938 Steel 13600 580' 60' 3. 18. 12'x38' 24' 3 Arch Side 1929 4150 3500 4250 3 Conventional §Coal xDiesel tGas {Motor *Oil 136