TABLE VI--SAILING DISTANCES BETWEEN POINTS ON LAKE ONTARIO AND ST. LAWRENCE RIVER 37. 636 35 34 33 32 31-30 29 | 28 27°26 | 25.24 23 | 22 21 20719 18 17116 16° 14) 18 12 1110 6 sg 7 6 Cg 'Ce Other tables to which See initial points Nos. 1-3 ca 2 . are common: = oe & a & II--Lake Superior. = a S S & S 3 3 3 = 2 woe I1I--Lake Michigan. es © o|2 2 21s ee © 8 & Ae aioe IV--Lake Huron and SO ei, 2 2 fg 2 22 2s g| 3 Ss ot B . 81S 2 = 2 2\| 3 oes St. Marys River. ee Sie ¢ 2 oe Ss SE ates § $12.12 € Sita € 24 es Hei. 6 7\|2e 2 | ae V--Lake Erie, St. Se 2 4 6 2123 2 = Se tise 8182 2 228) 6 2 ele 2 $e 3 2s 2d 25 : : = 5 oS a = 2 S| ee 3S oO S 6 6 8 =e = op eee Be € 8 oC Sie - #6 eee GER ekal ae S|R eee Sea e¢52'5 6 3 | 1) aOld Mackinac Point (III)| 922 913 883 | 855 851 840 | 835 819 810 | 803 791 770 | 764 760 764 | 745 732 719 | 702 692 657 | 652 611 610 | 581 602 596 | 613 673 703 | 715 725 749 | 744 554 2] bPort Huron (IV)........ 675 666 636 | 608 604 594 | 588 572 563 | 556 544 523 | 517 513 517 | 498 485 472 | 455 445 410 | 405 364 363 | 334 355 349 | 366 426 456 | 468 478 502 | 497 307 3) Port Colborne (II-V)....| 368 359 329 | 301 297 286 | 281 265 256 | 249 237 216 | 210 206 210 | 191 177 165 | 148 138 103 | 98 57 56| 27 48 42] 59 119 149 | 161 171 194 | 199 a 4| Cape Vincent........... 179 170 140/111 107 97 | 91 75 66} 60 47 27) 20 16 21] 24 45 50/| 67 77 101 | 107 160 186 | 163 159 153 | 134 88 68| 58 49 26]... ... 5) Sacketts Harbor......... 204 195 165 | 137 132 122) 116 101 91) 85 73 52) 45 41 46| 37 57 62) 79 89 106 | 111 165 190 | 168 163 157 | 138 89 65] 53 41...|... |" 6) Oswero. 2. 227 218 188 | 160 156 145 | 140 124 115 | 108 96 75) 69 65 69] 55 67 72) 89 82 91] 96 145 167 | 144 140 133] 113 59 29/ 15... .../ 000 77 7| Little Sodus Bay........ 237 228 198 | 169 165 155 149 133 124) 118 105 85) 78 74 79) 64 74 79) 90 80 85/| 91 136 158 | 134 131 125/105 48 18/.........]...... Bi) Sodus Bay... 61... 246 237 207 | 179 175 165 ; 159 143 184 127 115 94] 88 84 89 | 72 79 84) 85 74 77 | 82 124 145 | 122118112] 92 35...|.........| 9) Charlotte. 2200006602025: 266 257 227 | 199 195 184) 179 163 164 | 147 135 114 | 108 104 108 | 89 94 92| 75 65 57} 61 95116) 92 §9 83] 63... ...|......... |. 10) Oleott.. 3 302 293 263 | 234 230 220 | 214 198 189 | 183 170 150 | 143 139 144 | 132 116 111} 94 88 51) 47 88 56) 32 28 22) .. ... ...1.........] 11} Niagara-on-the-Lake..... 332 323 293 | 264 260 250 | 244 228 219 | 213 200 180 | 173 169 174 | 154 142 128 | 112 101 67 63 30 39 16. ot | 8... ... i121 Lewiston... 32.2. 33/ 328 299 | 270 266 256 | 250 234 225 | 218 206 185 | 179 175 180 | 160 148 134 | 118 107 73 | 69 36 45) 91...) 22... ...|.........| 33 13} Port Dalhousie.......... 341 332 302 | 274 270 260 | 254 238 229 | 222 210 189 | 183 179 183 | 164 151 138 | 121 111 76 130 29) ww. ... ... 14) Hamilton, 05 364 355 325 | 297 293 282 | 276 261 252 | 245 233 212 | 206 201 206 | 187 172 159 | 142 132 94 SS53t 2 ee | se le. ... 1 15] Toronto (East Entrance).) 338 329 300 | 271 267 257 | 251 235 226 | 219 207 186 | 180 176 181 | 161 142 129 | 113 102 65] 59......|.........1...... 0} 00 0 Ly 16) Port Hope... 2... 285 276 246| 218 214 203 | 197 182 173 | 166 154 133 | 127 122 127 |. 107 86 74) 58 47°71 2 Cd Cw... ... | ee dj) Cobourg... 2 2.5; 279 270 240 | 212 208 197 | 192 176 167 | 160 148 127 | 121 117 121 | 102 80 67 OOS EO aera eee d8 Tronton.: 296. Zon 242, 212) 136 179 269 | 163 148 138:)132 119 100 | 94. 90 88 j- 70 40 27) 11 | tsi'(aLtiéi«ztC! Lee 19), Bellville. 241 232 202 | 176 169 159 | 158 138 128] 122 109 90 84 80 78 60 30 17 20), Deseronte.<: es. 224 215 185 | 159 153 142] 186 121 112] 105 93 74 67 63 61 43 14. at Picton. 219 210 180 | 154 147 137] 181 116 106] 100 88 69] 62 58 56] 38... ... EXPLANATION. 22\. Kingston. 30 182, 473 143:).115 110 100 | 94 - 79° 69 | 63 50 31.|. 25 91-19)... 2... Explanation generally applicable to all tables is published in 23| Gananoque. 2.3.25 22. 164 155 125) 96 92 82] 76 60 51 45 32° 18 14 10 2.0 bo Table I. Wal Clayton 2 oo 163-154 12496 91 81) 75 60. 50:| 44 32° 11 Ge |e. Points in this table are arranged in geographical sequence pro- y ceeding westward along the south shore and returning eastward along zo) Thousand Island Park. ..|. 160 151 121/93. 88 78) 72 57 471 41 98 $1... 2) 2 the north shore of the lake and down St. Lawrence River. 26| Alexandria Bay......... 102 148 AIS | 8b. BL 702) 64 A A038 Ol For determining distances to points located in other lakes, dis- 21 Brockville... 23 02 131 7122, 293.) 6460 «50 | 44 28) 19 1nd tances from all places listed in this table are given to the initial points Nos. 1 to 3, which also appear in the other tables respectively indicated 25\ Ogdensburg 2... 5. 120 411: 81) 52 48, 38 | 32 16 Cee ee by numeral designation. The through distance from a given point in 29| cGalop Canal............ #12, 108) 74) 40 41 81 Ob 8 this table to a given point in any other table is the sum of the respective 30] cRapide Plat Canal....... 103-94 04/36 320419 | AG 2 ee distances to each given point from the initial point which is common to : the two tables. Thus, Port Colborne being the common point for 31| cFarran Point Canal...... SO 098 40 20 1G Be ee determining distances from Lake Ontario and St. Lawrence River 32) cCornwall Canal......... 8243) 43 1) Nb 10 points to points in Lake Superior (table II), a through distance would 33) Cormwall 2-2. 71 762 33 Oe ee be derived as follows: : Port Colborne to Comwall.. 2.0.2... ....... 297 pa St. Regis. 630059 28 ee Port Colborne to Port William © |... ............... 848 35 cSoulanges Canal......... Bo OO ae 36] cLachine Canal.......... Dl a Cornwall to Fort Wiliam', 2... ............-..- 1145 Stl Montreal... 2, Oa a From sailing course point north of light. 184 c From upper end of canal. * To Toronto West Entrance.