ENGINES AND BOILERS OF LAKE SHIPS--Continued ENGINES BOILERS Yeu VESSEL : : Built Type | Cylinders and Stroke No. | Type Size eet, CSEOTGO AS ee ae 'Triple Exp... 2... 24-41-68x42 2 Water Pube....... 1943 Berton, John (bares). 1 S0an Bred Elelea (Swd,).. cc. Polar Diesel M55T 5Cyl. 1600 B.H.P. 2 Cyl. 1947 Sen, bymant.. 6... 6... fee. Triple Exp. Sprd. Type Stckers. oes 2314-36-63x42 a Scotch. ©... 140x116" 1905 Bee WO Hoffman Com. Stoker Skinner Unaflow....... 5 Cyl, 28x36 2 Waterlube....... 1950 a Ttiple Bap... .< 25. y.:. 15-25-40x27 z Scotch... 2.4... 1926 Mogeee (an) 8. ee Triple Hap. 65.66... 22-35-58x40 2 Scotch 3. 13'2"x11'6"' 1902 Bere es Saple Exp. 6. 15-25-40x33 2 Scotch... 10'x10'9"" 1929 Bet American... ee. Ouad. Exp... 22... 2114-3034-4414-64x36 3 Scotch... 2. 214' 1914 Peuton (Can). 2. kw. SHDpIC ERD. 660.0... 15-25-40x33 2 Scotcn. ce 10'6"x10'10" 1925 SO 2 Skinner Marine Uniflow Hoffman 4-2214-51x26 4 Foster Wheeler "D" Marine 1952 Compound Twin Screw R. R. Carferry 29.500 Ibs. her. Berows PO ee: Geared Turbine........ 2 Wot 1952 Sprucebranch (Can.)....:... Dom. Eng. Wks. Suiver6 Cyl, - 1176x191 4%, 2 Watts Welded Steel Low Pressure 1944 Borceale (an)... Quad Exp. es 20x29x42-61-42 3 Scotch a: 2 x11'10" 1907 Brcnoase, Powell. 2...) 6. 6 Prime Exp 4. 2214-38-63x42 2 Seoteh. 14'6'x11'6" 1909 Stadacona (Can. )... Dayton Automatic Stoker Triple Exp. 2800 1 H.P.. 24144-4114-72x48 3 Scotch ee 11'6" Dia.x15'3" Te 3 furnaces. Heating surface 2534 sq. ft. - Grate surface 6150 ft. Beaniey, RopertC........; pe Triple bap 24-41-68x42 2 Water Tube... 1943 Srspeue (Can)... ka. 1 Peabody 1 Triple Exp. Oil... .... 3-21-34-56x36 : Scot. 10'6"x14'4" 1913 Bunker Fuel Oil 2200 Bbls. Beto (Can)... ee Sipe x5. 6): 16-2614-44x33 Z Scotch. 6. 72x11' 1923 Seer Diesel ee. 1 Donkey. 2. 6. 5/3/'x9' 1926 ee Vriple Px0.. 526. Q4-A\68542 2 Water Tube....... 1943 Steinbrenner, George M.................... aiiple Pap. 1214x36'6"x60x42 2 Seoten. = 2... 14'6"x12'6" 1940 Steinbrenner, Henry....................... Tiple Bap... 2216x36x60x42 02 Boole 14'6"'x11'6" 1907 Ore, Wale ee Turibe 8. 2 "D"' type Water Tube heating surface7149 1942 Bomeielal Skinner Unaflo......... Oe Scotch 11'x11' 1946 Bunker C Oil 212 tons one AGRA ee Skinner Uniflow........ 5-25 14x26 2 SCOtCh «6a, 14'6"x12'6" 1938 Poomonit (Cae)... Crossley Marine Diesel B.H.P. 680 H.R.N. 8" 1014x1314--2 strokes each comp. 2075 gals. : Bunker Fuel Oil 4150 gals. Braise of Mackinac:..........0.2.....7. 5. 1:5 Triple Mxp......... 16-26 14-45x33 c Scotch & Single 185 Ibs. Working Pressure 11/10"x11'2" 1928