ENGINES AND BOILERS OF LAKE SHIPS--Continued | Year ENGINES BOILERS = Type | Cylinders and Stroke | No. | Type | Size | Sullivan Brothers......... Dayton Automatic 'Triple Exp............. 2354x38x6314x42 2 SOOW: oe. . 14'6"x11'6" 1910 2 eesten 14'6'x11/6" 1907 Sulphite (Can.j.-3.25.. 2.5... i ivipic Exp... ..... 2.2 Z COUN. ce, 1919 Supreme. ....554:5)-..4...:...5.5 70 New London Ship & Eng. Co. 6 Cyl. 1214x18 Tanker 1931 Surewater (Can)... 0.0 a Apis MED... ... 3. 16-27-44x33 2 Scotch. 3.62... 10'6""x12'6" 1927 Sutton (Ca); 32. Triple Ex 15-25-40x33 2 Scot. 10'G RI 1929 Sykes, Wilfred... Oil Geared Turbine Steam Lurbine7.O00S.HP. 8 =. 2 Bent D-Type W-T.. 1949 Sylvania... ..Dayton Underfeed Recip. Steam Triple Exp. Single Screw 2314-38-63x42 2 ScOtCh. 3 144°" 12" 1 905 Tadousac (Cah.}:....... 4.2. 3 Pipe Pep... 24-38-44-44x36 6 Scotch... 14'x11'6"" 1928 Tanac V222Z (an Diesel 6 Cyl. 9x12 1 Nivian 240 H.P. Taplin, Frank #.4-250 3. Triple Exp. Steam...... 22 16x35 14x58 16x42 2 SCGCH ge. ISS x11 a" 1908 Tate, Ben E..30 3 driple Hap... 20-3314-55x40 2 eorch 14'6"x11' 1934 TauruS..::33)5420..5..,.. 2 McIntosh Seymore Diesel Small Heating Boiler Taylor, Myron... Underfeed Steam Triple Exp. Recip...... . 2414-40-65x42 Z B. & W. Straight W.T. 20,000 x /Hr. 1929 Teakbay (Can)... 4.20... Tple Xp... .....-... 15-25-40x33 2 SeotcH oe. 106x111' 1929 Tecumseh (Can)... 2. The Quinte (Gan) (Very)... . The Quinte Loyalist (Can.) (Ferry)......... The St. Joseph Islander (Can.) (Ferry)...... Thomas, Eugene F..... 226256. Thompson, David P...... Skinner Unaflow Oil Thompson, Josep fi........452... .4...... Thorold (Ca j.,2 3 Thunder Bay. Thunder: Bay Quarries... -. ..4....:4.....,, Tomlinson, G. A. Dayton Automatic Stoker Recip. Tompkins (Bucket Dredge)...... Hand Fired Tonawanda (Derickboat)................., Torsholm (Swed)... 6. 2.22, Townsend, Eo ¥,..4.5...../......2.5 2.2 Torondoc (Cah 3.2. Townsend, Pani MH. .83.. Translake (Can). 3...) Single Screw--Diesel Fairbanks-Morse 2 Cyl. 8-14"x10"--10 Cyl. opposed piston direct reversing 1943 through S.R. gear box and fluid coupling B.H.P. 1880 Diesel 1 Cummins Ki 600, 1700 B.H.P. Diesel 2 Cummins H.R.M.S. 600, 300 B.H.P. Diesel 1 Cummins N.V.H.I. 1200, 300 B.H.P. Triple Exp... 6... ... 2414-40-65x42 3 Triple Exp. 4000 H.P.... 24-38-65x42 Z Geared Turbine........ Z AAD PED... 2314-38-63x42 2 Skinner Unaflow....... ACY. 2fF Da 2 Skinner Unaflow....... 5 Cyl. 2316x26 2 Triple EXp..... 2-6. sc. 23-38-65x42 2 4 steam for hoisting... . 1 Oil No. 5 Vertical 1-1400-59 ft. Diesel Ge AMG HAD... se. 24-39-65x42 4 Wipe EXD. 6 2... 15-25-40x33 2 Diesel 1700 iP... ...:. 1700: H. P. 2 triple Bip. 4. 12-1914-31144xl6% 2 Scotch)... 14/x12' Wo Tube... 16x12' Water Tube. ..2 2. Secor TSAR V6" Water Tube D.-Type Foster Wheeler 9910 sq. ft. (including economisers ) Scotch es; SCOtCh 2. eee. 14'6"x12'6" Scotch Marine Fire Horizontal 200 FLP. at 130 PS. 90 ft. Boom Water Tube....... Scotch... 10'x10'9" Norhere........... Scotch. =... 4 9'8"s1 1'6"" 1930 1907-55 1944 ISI? 1952 1950 1941 1947 1946 1929 1920