ACTIVE COMMERCIAL DOCKS : . . . £901 OTR GN PORT OF DETROIT 7-3013 DETROIT HARBOR, MICHIGAN Detroit Edison--Conners Creek Plant East Detroit Stevedore Company Detroit Brick and Block Inland Lime and Stone Company Sand Products Corporation x Water Works Park Pumping Station . U. S. Rubber Company T. J. McCarthy S. S. Company Penn-Dixie Cement Corporation Nicholson Transit Company . Harris Concrete and Supply Company . Detroit Edison--Orleans St. Dock Huron Portland Cement Company . Pine Ridge Coal Dock (Cronin) . International Milling Company z . Chicago, Duluth & Georgian Bay Line Bob-Lo Company . Commercial Marine Terminal, Inc. . Refined Syrups & Sugars, Inc. . Detroit Harbor Terminal, Inc. . Commercial Terminals Company . Mistersky Power Station . Detroit Atlantic Navigation Company . Detroit Edison Company--Delray Plant . Solvay Process Division . Great Lakes Steel Corporation--Coal Dock . Great Lakes Steel Corporation No. 3 Ore Dock . Great Lakes Steel Corporation Stone and Steel Dock 7-3012 ROUGE RIVER, MICHIGAN . Grat Lakes Steel Corporation No. 1 Ore Dock . Semet-Solvay Division Allied Chemical Corporation . Plastic and Coal Chemicals Division of Allied Chemical Corporation . Peerless Cement Company . Scott Paper Company . Detroit Marine Terminal . Concrete Block and Products Company . Peerless Cement Company--Brennan Avenue Dock i Koenig Coal and Supply Company . Cronin Coal and Supply Company . Ford Motor Company--Marine Department . International Salt Company . Sun Oil Company . Aurora Gasoline Company . Penola Oil Company . Shell Oil Company . Inland Lime and Stone Company : Ue Ss. Gypsum Company . Michigan Limestone--Leased by Winkworth . Cadillac Coal Co., Inc. . Standard Oil Company . Gulf Oil Corporation . Texaco, Incorporated . Detroit Edison Company--River Rouge Plant . Solvay Process Division RIVERVIEW CUSTOM HOUSE fe) GENERAL CARGO TERMINALS -- Ma Somestic CAKEwise TRADE fe) BULK FREIGHT-- MISCELLANEOUS @ COAL HANDLING PLANTS @ BUNKER COAL @ oll HANDLING PLANTS {) sunxer oir @ GRAIN ELEVATORS MB storace WAREHOUSES (a) COLD STORAGE WAREHOUSES POINT HENNEPIN