GRAIN ELEVATORS OF THE GREAT LAKES--Continued Rialto Elevator-- Rice-Powell Elevator-- Trimming charge per 1000 bu. (chargeable to vessel) Same as grain. Trimmers tariff. Supt.--Andy Muszynski. Res. phone RE. 4-5047. R. R. Conn.: Belt R. R. Co. of Chicago. Phone SO. 8-0113. Location: 104th Street--North Side--Calumet River. Operator: General Mills, Inc., Chicago Grain Dept., 141 W. Jackson Blvd. Phone HA. 7-4535. Mgr.--W. J. Walton. Storage capacity 2,700,00 bushels. Number of Marine elevating legs 1. Capacity per hour (Marine elevating legs) actual--20,000 bushels--wheat. Number of Marine loading spouts: 5. Capacity per hour of loading spouts: 10,000 bushels. Depth of water at dock 19% feet, channel 19% feet. Maximum length of vessel that can load at elevator 525 feet --without winding. Maximum length of vessel that can unload at elevator 425 feet --without winding. Maximum beam of vessel that can load at elevator--70 feet. Maximum beam of vessel that can unload at elevator--70 feet. Loading capacity to cars per 10 hours 120,000 bushels. Elevating charge per bushel: 2% per bu. Days of free storage--none. Insurance rates on grain: $133.00 per $100.00 annual rate. Shoveling charge per 1000 bushels (chargeable to vessel): 70¢ per MM bu. Power shovel charge per 1000 bushels (chargeable to vessel) 70¢ per M bushels. Weighing charge per 1000 bushels (chargeable to vessel) 75¢ per M bushels. Trimming charge per 1000 bushels (chargeable to vessel) Chi- cago Grain Trimmers Assn. Inc. rates. Supt.--Frank A. Deebach. Res. Phone CO. 4-7222. R. R. Conn.: Belt Railway of Chicago. Phone MI. 6-2387. Location: Lake Calumet Harbor. Operator: Rice Grain Corp., Board of Trade Bldg., Chicago 4, 324 Cargill, Inc.-- Illinois. Phone WE. 9-2757. Storage capacity: 6,500,000 bus. No. of marine elevating legs: 2. Capacity per hr. (marine elevating legs): 25,000 bus. each. No. of marine loading spouts: 8. Capacity per hr. of loading spouts: 60,000 bus. Depth of water at dock: 23 ft.; depth of water in channel: 23 ft. Can load and unload any length of vessel at elevator. Maximum beam of vessel that can load at elevator: 75 ft. Maximum beam of vessel that can unload at elevator: 75 ft. Loading capacity to cars per 10 hrs.: 80. Elevating charge per bus. (chargeable to shipper): Information on request. No days of free storage. Insurance rates on grain per $100.00 valuation: Information on request. Shoveling charge per 1000 bus. (chargeable to vessel): Infor- mation on request. Overtime: Information on request. Steam shovel charge per 1000 bus. (chargeable to vessel): Information on request. Overtime: Information on request. Weighing charge per 1000 bus. (chargeable to vessel): Infor- mation on request. Trimming charge per 1000 bus. (chargeable to vessel): Inf°~ mation on request. Supt.--James A. Cronbie. Res. phone FU. 8-3493. R. R. Conn.: C. BR. 1 & PRR. SUPERIOR, WIS. Phone EX. 8-5525. Location: Superior, Wisc., Allouez Bay. Operator: Cargill, Inc. Address: 200 Main Grain Exchange, Minneapolis, Minn. Phone FEderal 8-8511. Manager-- Charles D. Roberts. 611 Board of Trade Bldg., Duluth, Minn. Storage Capacity: 2,400,000. Number of Marine elevating legs: 1. Capacity per hr. (Marine elevating legs): 13,000 bus. Number of Marine Loading spouts: 9. Capacity per hr. of Loading spouts: 50,000 bus. Depth of water at dock: 24 ft. Channel 24 ft.