COAL AND MISCELLANEOUS DOCKS OF THE GREAT LAKES--Continued Use self-unloading boats only. Storage capacity 15,000 tons. Depth of water at dock 18'6". Length of dock 750 feet. R. R. Conn.: M. C. Williams Coal Co., A. S.-- 1315 Sherman St. A. S. Williams, Mgr. and Purchasing Agent. Use self-unloading boats only. Storage capacity 10,000 tons. Depth of water at dock 19 feet. Can handle any size boat. Length of dock 700 feet. ih. fh. Conn: MC. Williams Coke Dock-- South of Grand Trunk R. R. Bridge. Operator: A. S. Williams & Co., 1815 Sherman St. A. S. Williams, Mgr. and Purchasing Agent. Use self-unloading boats only. Storage capacity 3,500 tons. Depth of water at dock 19 feet. Can handle any size boat. Length of dock 700 feet. RK. R. Conn.: M. C: Phone 1242. BELLEVILLE, ONT. Canada Cement Company, Ltd.-- Phone WO. 2-2581. Location in Harbor: Bay of Quinte at Point Anne, Ontario. Operator: Canada Cement Company, Ltd. Phone UN. 1-1411. Address: Phillips Square, Montreal, Quebec. Manager: A. O. Drysdale, Point Anne, Ontario. Pur. Agt.--O. H. Fares, Montreal, Quebec. Depend on Self-Unloading Boats. Miscellaneous Rigs: Mobile as required. Method of Storage: Stock Pile on Dock. Storage Capacity-Bituminous: 200,000 tons. Depth of water at dock 16 ft. Maximum length of boat that can reach dock: 300 ft. Length of dock: 400 ft. Slip: 400 ft. Width: 48 ft. R. Re Conn.: ©. NOR. & CoP: Supt.--A. O. Drysdale. Res. Phone WO. 8-9630. Empire Hanna Coal Corporation, Ltd.-- EM. 3-3346. Location: Government Dock. Belleville, Ontario. Operator: Moira-Schuster Coal Co. Address: Belleville, Ontario. Manager--A. M. MacHaig. Phone WO. 8-7707. Pur. Agt.: Empire Hanna. Depend on self-unloading Boats. Method of storage: On Dock. Storage capacity--Bituminous: 8000 Tons. Anthracite: None. Depth of water at dock: 15'. Maximum length of boat that can reach dock: 250'. Length of dock: 300'. R. R. Conn.: None. Supt.: K. Goode Sr. Toronto, Ontario. Phone OX 9-3757. Toronto, Ont. Phone Moira-Schuster Limited. Phone WO. 2-4605. Location: Belleville, Ontario, Canada. Operator: Moira-Schuster Limited. Phone WO. 2-4504. Address: 38 Bridge Street, East. Manager: A. Haig. Phone WO. 8-7214. Pur. Apt.: A. M. Haig, Do not depend on self-unloading Boats. Storage Capacity--Bituminous: 15,000 Tons. Anthracite: N.L. Depth of water at dock 14'. R. KR. Conn.: C.N.R & G:P.a. Supt.: C. VanZoeren. Phone WO. 2-3703. BENTON HARBOR, MICH. Consumers Coal Company-- Location: St. Joseph River & Ship Canal. Operator: Consumers Coal Co., 86 Wall St. Phone Wa. 5-1141. Manager--Robert Kinney. Phone Wa. 6-9830. SEE OUR COMPLETE LIST OF GRAIN ELEVATORS 350