COAL AND MISCELLANEOUS DOCKS OF THE GREAT LAKES--Continued Nicholson Transit Co. (Buffalo Auto Dock)-- Length of dock 750 feet. R. R. Conn.c N. ¥. C. RR. RR. Supt.--W. G. Godfrey. Res. Phone Vi. 2121. *Deaft set up by Lake Carriers Association. Phone 2757. Foot of Michigan Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. Location: Municipal Piers. Operator: Nicholson Transit Co. Manager: J. E. Deane. Ranahan & McCarthy Marine Terminal, Inc. Phone Cleveland 7756. John P. Ranahan, Mgr., 233 Fuhrmann Blvd. (Outer Harbor). Specialize in Automobile Handling. Various types of cranes available for handling cargoes from canal boats, to lake vessels, sugar, all bag freight and pack- age freight. Also do marine repair work. Depth of water at dock 22 feet. Can handle any size boat. Pur. Agt.: R. O. Jackson. Supt. J. E. Deane. Phone AM. 6812. Automobiles only. Length of Boat: Any size. Beam: Any length. R. R. Conn.: None. North Pier-- Phone WA. 4800. Location: Buffalo River. Operator: Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad Co. Address: Buffalo, New York. One Wellman Seaver coal dumper. Capacity per 10 hours each machine 10 to 15 cars per hour, de- pending on type of coal. Depth of water boats can draw arriving at dock 21 ft. usable. Length of dock 1100 feet. R. R. Conn.: D. L. & W. Railroad. Others in Buffalo. Supt.--Francis Martin. Republic Steel Corporation (Steel Dock)--Phone TR 1410 Location: Buffalo River. Operator: Republic Steel Corp., 1175 South Park Ave. 2 American Hoist & Derrick Whirley Cranes Capacity per 10 Hours on Steel and Pig Iron 1,000 tons. Depth of water at dock 20 feet--Channel 20 feet. Can handle 500 foot boat with 50 foot beam. Length of Dock 600 feet. R. R. Conn.: D. L. & W.--B. & O.--South Buffalo Ry. Dock Supt.--W. B. Caylor. Length of dock 1200 feet. Slip 1200 feet. Width 250 feet. R. R. Conn.: Lehigh Valley. Supt.--V. J. Martin. Rochester & Pittsburgh Coal Co.-- Dock located foot Ganson St. Office: Prudential Bldg. ; Use self-unloading boats. Conveyor equipment. Depth of water at dock 20 feet. Can handle any size boat. R, R. Conn.: B, & 0: Republic Steel Corp.-- Phone TRI 1410. Dock located upper end Buffalo River. Address of Operator: 1175 South Park Ave. 1 Mead-Morrison Rig with 5 ton clam shell. 2 Brown Hoists with 10 ton clam shells. Capacity per 10 hours 6,000 tons. Storage capacity 250,000 tons. Depth of water at dock 20 feet. Can handle any size boat. R. R. Conn.: D. L. & W., B. & O.--So. Buffalo, R. K. Supt.--F. C. Farrell. Pur. Agt.--F. J. Laskey. CALCITE, PRESQUE ISLE CO., MICH. Calcite-- Phone 517-734-2131. Location: Port Calcite, Rogers City, Michigan. SEE OUR COMPLETE LIST OF ENGINES AND BOILERS 353