COAL AND MISCELLANEOUS DOCKS OF THE GREAT LAKES--Continued Size of other buckets used, 21 ft. spread. Clean up 2% ton capacity. : Capacity per 10 hours each machine 4000. Miscellaneous rigs: One Mead-Morrison rop trolley. Length of boom, Mead-Morrison 70 ft. Size of buckets used 6 ton and 8 ton. Capacity per 10 hours 5000. Storage capacity: Bituminous 460,000. Depth of water boats can draw arriving at dock 22 Te Maximum length of boat that can reach dock, any length, any beam. Length of dock 2000 ft. Length of slip 2000 ft: R. R. Conn: NP-Soo-C&NW-GN-CN-Milw-DMIR. Direct connections NP-Soo. Supt.--John Wadley. Phone Market 4-1197. | Asst. Supt.--Lloyd W. Vicklun. Phone Superior, Export 4-7847. Cutler-Magner Company-- Lime Dock Slip #3, 8th Ave. W. & R.R. St. Phone 2-8627. Salt Dock Slip #5, 11th Ave. W. & R.R. St. Phone 2-1074. Location: Duluth Harbor. Operator: Cutler-Magner Company, 1116 Fidelity Bldg., Duluth, Minn. Phone 2-1418. Manager: Henry LaLiberte. Phone 3-0313. Machines--Lakeside Bridge & Steel Co. Man Trolley Bridged (both docks). Number of machines in a set--one at each dock. Size of clam shell buckets used 5 ton (Lime dock) 3 ton (Salt dock). Capacity per 10 hours each machine (Limestone) 2,200 (Salt) 1,400. Method of storage--Limestone dock open storage, Salt dock enclosed storage. Storage capacity (Limestone) 34,000 tons (Salt) 33,000 tons. Depth of water boats can draw arriving at your dock 20 ft. Maximum length of boat that can reach your dock (Limestone) unlimited--beam 45 ft. (Salt) 400 ft--beam 45 ft. Length of dock (Limestone) 700 ft. (Salt) 500 ft. Length of slip (Limestone) 800 ft., width 120 ft. (Salt) 650 ft., width 120 ft. Cutler-LaLiberte-McDougall Corp.-- Duluth Dock & Transport Co.-- R. R. Conn.: N.P., G.N., Omaha, Soo, Milwaukee, D.M. & I. R., D.S.S. & A. Supt.--cC. R. Ridgewell. Res. Phone 5-3276. Phone 2-1382. Location: Superior Front Channel. Opr.--Cutler-Magner Company, 1116 Fidelity Bldg., Duluth, Minn. Phone 2-1418. Manager: Henry LaLiberte. Phone 3-0313. Machines--Hey! & Patterson Man Trolley Bridge. Number of machines--1. Size of clam shell buckets used 12 ton. Size of other buckets used 6 ton. Capacity per 10 hours each machine 2750--total 2750. Method of storage--open stock pile. Storage capacity (Limestone) 4,000,000 tons. Depth of water boats can draw arriving at your dock--20 ft. Maximum length of boat that can reach your dock--unlimited, beam, unlimited. Length of dock 1,200 ft., length of slip 1,200 ft., width 1,200 ft. R. R. Conn.: Lake Superior Terminal & Transit R. R. Supt.--Lloyd Haugen. Res. Phone 2-3255. Phone MA. 8-1068. Location: Two miles up St. Louis River. Opr.: Duluth Dock & Transport Co., P. ©. Box 7024, West Duluth, Minn. Mer.: C. H. Grindy. Do not depend on self-unloading boats. Kind of machines: Man trolley bridge. Number of machines in a set--one. Size of clam shell buckets used--12 ton. Clean up--7 ton. Capacity per 10 hrs. each machine 4500 ton. Miscellaneous rigs: Shed rigs on storage bldg. Kind--bridge. Number--2. Size of buckets used: 4 ton. Capacity per 10 hrs.: 3000 ton. Method of storage: Open dock storage and covered bldg. ee water boats can draw arriving at dock 22 ft., channel SEE OUR COMPLETE MAPS OF HARBORS 370