COAL AND MISCELLANEOUS DOCKS OF THE GREAT LAKES--Continued Duluth, Missabe & Iron Range Ry. Co. Coal Dock-- Length of dock 2000 ft. x 400 ft. Slip 2000 ft. Width 150 ft. R. R. Conn.: Great Northern, C. St. P. M. & O. ne conn. Northern Pacific. Tributary Conn.: Truck loading ocks. Supt.: Russell Van Horn. Res. Phone JA. 5-5245. Duluth, Missabe & Iron Range Ry. Co. (Coal Dock)--Phone PA. 4- 4801. Opr.--Duluth, Missabe & Iron Range Ry. Co., Wolvin Bldg., Duluth, Minn. Phone 2-8383. Located: Ft. of 27th Ave. West. 3 Electric Mead-Morrison--60 ft. booms. Size of clam shell used 5 ton. Capacity per 10 hours 15,000 tons coal--20,000 tons limestone. Method of storage--direct to cars--no storage. Depth of water at dock 24 feet. Can handle any size boat--beam 60 ft. R. R. Conn.: D. MM. & fT. BR. Co. A. W. Maglein--Dock Agent. Gen. Mgr.--D. B. Shank. Phone PA. 2-8383. Phone 4-1180 Location: Foot of 29th & Bay Front Ave., West. Wolvin Bldg. Phone 2-8383. Machines--2 Mead-Morrison pick-up bridges. Number of machines--2 2-ton each bridge. Mise. Rigs 5 unloading towers. Kind Rigs--Mead-Morrison. Number Rigs--2 5-ton--3 3-ton booms 60 ft. Capacity per 10 hrs. 12,500 tons--dock storage. Storage capacity 500,000 tons. Depth of water 22 feet. Can handle boats of any length--beam 60 ft. R. R. Conn.: D. M: & N., N. P. & Soo, Omaha, C. N., St. Paul. D. & 1 RG. N. A. W. Maglein--Dock Agent. Supt.--E. W. Conliff. Hallett Dock Co. Phone MA. 8-1068. General Office: Duluth, Minn. Phone 628-1068. Gen. Mer.: R. N. McGiffert. Phone 628-1068. Gen. Mer.: C. H. Grindy. Phone 628-2281. P. 0. Box 7024. Can handle boats of any length or beam. Dock Location: St. Louis Bay, Foot of 37th Avenue West. 1 Brown-Hoist Bridge with 18 ton capacity clam shell. Capacity: 600 tons per hour unloading. Storage capacity 550,000 tons. Depth of water at dock, 23 feet. Length of dock 2,100 feet. R. R. Conn.: N.P., Milw., Soo, C.N.W., G.N., D.M. & LR. General Supt.: Kenneth Worthing. Res. Phone 722-2958. Interlake Iron Corp. (Zenith Furnace Division-- Phone Cal. 4-4881. The Foot 58th Ave. West. Purchasing Agent--J. J. Hall. Interlake Iron Corp., 1900 Union Commerce Bldg., Cleveland, O. 2 Brown Electric. 10 ton clam shells used, 6 tons on clean up. Capacity per 10 hours 10,000 tons. Storage capacity 600,000 tons. Depth of water at dock 22 feet. R. R. Conn.: N. P., G. N., D. M. & I. R., Omaha, Soo, St. Paul and C.N. Gen'l Supt.--C. A. Erickson. Phone Calumet 4-4881. Dock Supt.--Dan Rude. Res. Phone Douglas 6-2124. Inland Coal & Dock Co.-- Phone MA. 4-3543. Location: St. Louis River. Operator: The C. Reiss Coal Co. Phone G. C. 7-4411. Address: 50th Ave. West & LeSure St., Duluth, Minn. Manager: R. E. Olson. Phone Expt 2-3944. Depend on self-unloading Boats. Fast Plants: 2 Heyl & Patterson Screening Plants. Kind of machines: 2 Heyl & Patterson unloading Bridges. Number of machines: 2. Size of clam shell buckets used: 2-11 ton buckets, 2-9 ton buskets. SEE OUR COMPLETE LIST OF COAL AND ORE DOCKS 371