COAL AND MISCELLANEOUS DOCKS OF THE GREAT LAKES--Continued Size of other buckets used: Clean up. 2-6 ton buckets. Capacity per 10 hrs. each machine: 3000 _ total 6000. Miscellaneous rigs: 3 box car loaders, 1 Koehering crane. Kind: Maneire Ottawa. Length of booms: 110 ft. Size of buckets used: 1-1% ton & 1-1 ton. Size of clam shells used: 1-14% ton & 1-1 ton. Capacity per 10 hrs.: 1000 tons. Method of storage: Direct from Vessel. Direct to cars for storage: Vessel direct to cars. Storage capacity--Bituminous: 800,000. Depth of water boats can draw at dock: 21 ft. Channel 22-27 ft. oe length of boat that can reach dock: 700 ft. Beam G7 ii. Length of dock: 3450 ft., slip 2850 ft., width 200 ft. R. R. Conn: GN--Soo Line--CNW--DM&I R. R. Direct Conn: NP. Tributary conn: All. Supt.: R. E. Olson. Phone Superior-Export 2-3944. North Western-Hanna Fuel Co., Dock #3-- Phone Ra. 7-2603. General Office: 2150 N. Prospect Ave., Milwaukee 2, Wis. General Operations Office: 302 Garfield Avenue, Duluth, Minn. J. T. Crawford, Vice President--Operating, Phone Ra. 2-3044. Dock Location: 302 Garfield Avenue, Rices Point. 1 Brown Hoist Bridge with 814 ton capacity clam. Capacity: 350 tons per hour unloading. Storage capacity 230,000 tons. Depth of water at dock: 23 feet. Length of dock 1590 feet--width 230 feet. eS Conn.: N.P., G.N., C.N. W., Soo, D.M. & 1... CN, ilw. Can handle boats of any length or beam. General Supt.--B. C. Whaley. Res. Phone Ra. 2-9108. EAST CHICAGO, IND. Shell Oil Co.-- Phone E. Chicago 3434. Location: Indiana Harbor Ship Canal. Office, 200 Carrell St. Phone E. Chicago 2081. Megr.--F. C. Cutting. Depth of water at dock 21 feet. Can handle any size boat. Supt.--V. W. Parker. ECORSE, MICH. Fuel Oil Corporation-- Main Office: 3112 Book Tower. Mgr.--T. B. Mann. Phone Cherry 3880. Fuel oil of all types. Storage capacity 400,000 barrels. Plant phone at Ecorse Vinewood 2-0240 or 2-9169. Great Lakes Steel Corp.-- Location: Foot of Tecumseh Road. Length of dock 2 slips 1,200 feet long by 200 feet wide, and 2 slips 500 feet by 300 feet. Depth of water at dock 10 to 19 feet. Use self-unloading boats for coal. Storage capacity 2,000,000 tons. R. R. Conn.: M. C.--D. T. & I. Nicholson Terminal & Dock Co.-- Phone Vi. 2-4300. 4 large Browning gantry cranes, 55 foot boom. 3 tracks under cranes. Equipped with 65 inch magnets and 1% yard clam shell buckets. Capacity per hour 100 tons each, loading or discharging. 8 Browning locomotive cranes with 50 foot booms. peeeey per 10 hours 1,000 tons each, with magnets 500 tons each. Length of dock 4,200 feet. Concrete. Storage capacity 75,000 tons. This dock is equipped to handle material of any commodity, and the transfer of cargoes from ships to cars. Depth of water at dock 20 feet. R. BR. Conn.: M. C. Nicholson Fuel Dock-- Phone Vi. 2-4300. Conveyor belt from 9,000 ton bunker. Fuel capacity 600 tons per hour. Can fuel any size boat. SEE OUR COMPLETE LIST OF ENGINES AND BOILERS 372