COAL AND MISCELLANEOUS DOCKS OF THE GREAT LAKES--Continued Suite 925-75 Public Sq., Cleveland 13, Ohio. Phone Ch. 1-3237. ESCANABA, MICH. Vice Pres. & Gen'l. Mgr.--T. C. Sparks. The C. Reiss Coal Company Dock No. 1.-- Phone St. 6-4450. McMyler Car Dump, capacity 10 hours 12,000 tons. 1 Mead-Morrison Bridge. Can handle 630 foot boat with 60 foot beam. 6 ton clam shells used. R. R. Conn: B.&O. | Capacity per 10 hours 5,000 tons. Supt.--Allen C. Benjamin. Res. Phone Elm. 7-5378. Storage capacity 125,000 tons. aoe . at rn - one FORD, ONT. an handle boats of any length. R. R. Conn.: St. Paul, Escanaba & Lake Superior, C. & N. W. veg Pott ee popes oe : Megr.--L. E. Erickson. Phone St. 6-2793. Located on Detroit River, Windsor, Ont. 1 Mead-Morrison Gantry Electric Bridge. The C. Reiss Coal Company Dock No. 2-- Phone St. 6-2798. 5 ton clam shell used. Gen. Office: Reiss Kldg., Sheboygan, Wis. Capacity per 10 hours 3,500 tons. Location: Bay de Noc, south of C. & N. W. R. R. yards. Storage capacity 100,000 tons. Purchasing Agent--C. A. Reiss. Depth of water at dock 26 feet. 1 Mead-Morrison Bridge. Can handle any size boat. 6 ton clam shells used. R. BR. Conn.: C. N. R., Wabash. Capacity per 10 hours 3,500 tons. Dock Supt.--J. E. Porter. Storage capacity (bituminous) 140,000 tons. Depth of water at dock 20 feet. Can handle boats of any length and beam. a ee R. R. Conn.: C. & N. W., C. M. & St. P., E. & L. S. Canadian Pacific Coal (Island No. 1) Dock-- Phone 3-8912. Length of dock 2,000 feet, slip 760 feet. Location: Mouth of McKellar River. Megr.--L. E. Erickson. Res. Phone St. 6-2793. Operator: Canadian Pacific Railway Co., Fort William, Ontario. Manager--T. Wood. Phone 21523. FAIRPORT, OHIO Pur. Agent--H. R. Impey, Winnipeg, Manitoba. : Fast plants yes. Two 8-ton unloaders. Erie Sand & Gravel Company-- Phone 2-2902. Kind of machines: Huletts. Address of Operator, Foot of Sassafras St., Erie, Pa. Number of machines in set: two. Location: West side of Main River. Size of clam shell buckets used 8 tons. Manager--Captain J. S. St. John. Size of other buckets used 10 tons. Clean up Bulldozer. Pur. Agent--A. J. Schaffner. Capacity per 10 hours each machine two 10-ton bridges. Can handle any size vessel. _ Kind: Wellman Seaver Morgan. Kind of Machines: 1 Locomotive Crane, 200 tons per hour ca- Size of buckets used 10 tons. pacity, loading and unloading. Size of clam shells used 10 tons. Fairport, Ohio, Car Dumper-- Capacity per 10 hours 10,000 tons. Method of storage: open dock. Direct to cars for storage. Can load direct to cars. Storage capacity--bituminous 1 million tons. Phone Elmwood 17-7522. Opr.--Toledo, Lorain & Fairport Co. READ CAREFULLY EVERY ADVERTISEMENT IN THIS DIRECTORY 374