COAL AND MISCELLANEOUS DOCKS OF THE GREAT LAKES--Continued Fort Howard Paper Co.--Dock No. 1-- : Location: West bank Fox River immediately south CNW bridge. Fort Howard Paper Co.--Dock No. 2-- GREEN BAY, WIS. Phone Hem. 5-8821. Operator: Fort Howard Paper Co. Megr.--J. P. Cofrin. Pur. Agt.--W. G. Renard. Use self-unloading boats only. Storage capacity 250,000 tons. Depth of water at dock 20 feet. Can handle any length boat. R. &. Conn.: C.& N. W., G.B.& W., MILW ROAD. Supt.--M. S. Apple. Res. Phone GY 4-1524. Phone Hem. 5-8821. Location: West bank Fox River above Dock No. 1. Operator: Fort Howard Paper Co. Mgr.--J. P. Cofrin. Purchasing Agent--W. G. Renard. Use self-unloading boats only. Storage capacity: 70,000 tons. Depth of water at dock 20 feet. Can handle any length boat. R. KR. Comn.: C. & N. W., G. B. & W., MILW ROAD. Supt.--M. S. Apple. Res Phone GY 4-1524. Green Bay & Western R. R. Co.-- Located on Fox River. Operator: Green Bay Warehouses Inc. 414 E Walnut St. Phone Adams 220. Megr.--W. F. Kerwin. 2 Warehouses: 1, 60x200, constructed of wood covered with sheet metal; 1 2-story, 90-300, constructed of steel frames and covered with sheet metal. Length of dock 540 feet on river, 590 feet along slip. Depth of water at dock 21 feet. Can handle any size boat. im. K. Conn.: G, B. & W., C. M. & St. P., C. & N. W. Supt.--E. V. Johnson. Hurlbut Co., F.-- Phone Adams 23. Location: West bank of Fox River, south of Wisconsin Public Service plant. Address of Operator: 100 Cedar St. Use self-unloading boats. Purchasing Agent--C. J. Renard. Storage capacity 500,000 tons. Depth of water at dock 22 feet. Can handle any size boat. : Length of dock 1,500 feet, operate both sides. Can handle other miscellaneous cargoes; equipped for night loading. R. R. Conn.: C. & N. W., Milwaukee Road, G. B. & W. Leicht Transfer & Storage Co.--1401-55 State Street, Green Bay, Wisconsin. Phone 414-432-8632. TWX 414-498-3459. Pres.--Fred L. Leicht. Vice-pres. & Gen'] Mgr.-- E. W. Leicht. Treas. & Ass't Gen'l Mgr.--R. J. Laubenstein. Secy.--L. A. Vande Walle. Services: Merchandise Warehousing Pool Car Distribution Branch House Service Household Goods Storage Moving & Packing Boxing, Crating, Shipping Stevedoring Services Crane Service Material Handling Cartage Machinery, placement dismantling, loading and unloading Warehouses: Location Address State St. Warehouses 1401-55 State St. 250,000 sq. ft. Railroad Siding C&NW Ry. Co., CMSTP &P R.R. Co. 55 car siding C&NW Ry Co. 20 car siding C&NW Ry Co. 20 car siding Velp Avenue Yards Lark Street 200,000 sq. ft. North Dock House Nos. 63, 64 & 58 124,800 sq. ft. 128 Dousman St. SEE OUR COMPLETE LIST OF GRAIN ELEVATORS 378