COAL AND MISCELLANEOUS DOCKS OF THE GREAT LAKES--Continued HOLLAND, MICH. Harrington Coal Co.-- Phone EX. 2-2304. Location: Approx. 5 miles from Harbor on Lake Macatawa. Opr.--Harrington Coal Co., 283 West 8th St. Megr.--Carl Harrington. Use self unloading boats. 2 gasoline Michigan cranes. Barber Green conveyors--electric. Method of storage--bulk. Size of clam shell used % yard. Storage capacity 45,000 tons. Depth of water at dock 21 feet, channel 21 feet. Maximum length of boat that can reach dock 600 feet. Length of dock 850 feet. R. R. Conn.: C, & O- Ry. Co, This dock is equipped to handle pig iron cargoes, scrap iron, potash and coal. Mgr.--Carl Harrington. Res. Phone 6-6568. Brewer's City Coal Dock-- Phone EX. 6-6563. Location: Upper end of Lake Macatawa. Operator: Cornelius Brewer. Phone ED. 5-5235. Office: 24 Pine Ave. Use self-unloading boats only. Purchasing Agent--Harold Scholten. Depth of water at dock 21 ft. Channel 21 ft. Can handle any size boat. Length . dock 753 feet; width 300 ft.; also handle sand and gravel. Method of storage--outside stock piles only. Maximum length of boat can reach dock 600 ft. Beam 60 ft. R. R. Conn.: C. & O. R. R., but not on dock property. Supt.--Cornelius Brewer. Res. Phone 7676. HOUGHTON, MICH. Michael Messner, Inc.-- Phone 482-2940. Location: South side of Portage Lake. Operator: Michael Messner, Inc. Address: 920 Lake Front, Houghton, Michigan. Manager: Matt. Kangas. Depend on self-unloading Boats. Storage capacity--Bituminous: 10,000 tons. Depth of water at dock: 16% - 17 ft. Maximum length of boat that can reach dock: any length. Length of dock: 100 ft. R. R. Conn: Soo Line. Tributary Conn: Copper Range R. R. Van Orden Co., M.-- Phone 208. Location: South Shore Portage Lake. Opr.--Eldred Manderfield. Pres. & Gen. Mgr.--F rank L. Van Orden. Phone 810. 2 Ole Johnson coal bridges. 2% ton clam shells used. 2 Oliver crawlers for cleaning up holds of vessels. Capacity claming per 10 hours 3,000 tons. Storage capacity 60,000 tons Bituminous, 15,000 Anthracite. Depth of water at dock 21 feet. Length of dock 830 ft. Can unload any size boat. R. R. Conn.: Copper R., Mineral R., D. S. S. & A. Supt.--E. Manderfield. Res. Phone 895W. Purchasing Agent--Cy Wedge. HURON, OHIO The Nickel Plate Dock (Ore)-- Phone 433-3892. Operator: The Cleveland Stevedore Co., Huron, Ohio Phone 433-2301. Operator: The Cleveland Stevedore Co., Huron, Ohio Phone Main 1-0944. Public Square, Cleveland, Ohio. Two Hulett Electric Unloaders. 17 Ton Buckets. Capacity per 10 hrs. both rigs. 18,000 Tons. 1 Ore Storage Bridge. 13 Ton Bucket. Capacity per 10 hrs. 5,000 Tons. Storage capacity. 600,000 Tons. Depth of water at dock. 26 ft. Can handle any length and up to 75 ft. beam. SEE OUR COMPLETE LIST OF GRAIN ELEVATORS 383