COAL AND MISCELLANEOUS DOCKS OF THE GREAT LAKES--Continued Richardson Coal Dock #2. Location: Foot of Princess St., Kingston, Ontario. ; Operator: James Richardson & Sons Limited, 253 Ontario Street, Kingston, Ontario. Phone Liberty 8-3388. Do depend on self-unloading boats entirely. Storage capacity--bituminous: 3,000 tons. Depth of water: 18 ft.; channel: 18 ft. Length of dock: 350 ft.; slip: 50 ft. wide. & E. Conn: C. NR. & C. PR. Supt.--H. Walsh. Res. phone Liberty 8-4593. Soward's Coal Co., Ltd.-- Phone 155. Location: Inner harbor. Storage capacity 15,000 tons anthracite, 8,000 tons bituminous. Length of dock 400 feet. Slip 510 feet. Width 60 feet. Depth of water at dock 14 feet. Use self-unloading boats only. Can handle Welland Canal size boat up to 280 feet. ® R, Conn.: G. P. BR. Mer.--J. F. Soward. Supt.--cC. Vallier. LAKE LINDEN, MICH. Calumet & Hecla, Inc. Phone 3801. Location: Torch Lake. ne Hubert Probstfeld, Lake Linden, Michigan. Phone -22538. Manager--Robert Hein. Phone 923-M Calumet. Pur. Agent--L. H. Donald. Do not depend on self-unloading boats entirely. Kind of machines: Bridge. Number of machines in a set: 1. Size of clam shell buckets used 1214 ton. Size of other buckets used 7 ton. Clean up 10 ton. Capacity per 10 hours each machine 4,000 tons. Total 4,000 tons. Method of storage: Compact high sulphur-low sulphur, loose storage pile. Storage capacity: Bituminous 300,000-500,000 tons. Depth of water boats can draw arriving at dock 17-19 ft. Can handle any size boat. Length cf dock 1,000 feet. : R. R. Conn.: Duluth South Chicago & Atlantic. Direct connections yes. Supt.--R. L. Hein. Res. Phone 923-M (Calumet). LIME ISLAND, MICH. North Western-Hanna Fuel Co., St. Mary's River, Dock #14. Office: Lime Island Mich., via Raber Mich. J. T. Crawford, Vice Pres--Operating--Phone Duluth-Randolph 2-3044. Dock Location: 36 miles below Soo locks. This dock used only for fueling vessels. 2 Diesel crawlers with 21% ton capacity clam shells. Receives self unloader boats only. Storage capacity coal 18,000 tons. Storage bunker fuel oil 84,000 bbls. Capacity of fueling pockets 800 tons. Fueling capacity--coal 750 tons per hour. Fueling capacity--oil 1,800 gals. per minute. Vessel bunkering by conveyor belt and hose. Height of spouts above water 47 feet. Depth of water 25 feet. Can handle boats of any length or beam. Dock length 800 feet--width 100 feet. Superintendent: James Fulton. Dock may be reached by ship to shore radio phone on M/V Lime Island--Call letters WE6918--or by mobile phone thru Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan., ZA. 8-6263. LITTLE CURRENT, ONT. Electro Metallurgical Company-- Phone Little Current, Ontario. Radio Telephone 800. Location: East end of Lansdown Channel, North Shore of Geor- gian Bay. Operator--Electro Metallurgical Co., Div. of Union Carbide Canada Limited, Little Current, Ontario. Manager--H. J. D. Bambrick. Pur. Agent--H. A. Boyd. SEE OUR COMPLETE LIST OF COAL AND ORE DOCKS 386