COAL AND MISCELLANEOUS DOCKS OF THE GREAT LAKES--Continued Misc. Rigs: 1 Outboard loading conveyor, loading from 18,000 ton storage bin. Length of booms 25 ft. Capacity per 10 hours 11,000 tons. Method of storage: bins. de water boats can draw arriving at dock 27 ft. Channel Maximum length of boat that can reach dock 525 ft., any beam. Length of dock 250 ft. R. R. Conn.: None. Supt.--H. J. D. Bambrick. Little Current Dock-- Phone 604 M 2. Location in Harbor: South side of Goat Island. Operator: Canadian Pacific Railway Co. Little Current, Ontario. Do not depend on self-unloading boats. Kind of machines--1 Brown Hoist Bridge. Number of machines--2 P & H, Crawler Cranes. Size of clam shell buckets used 1--7 cu. yds. 2--4% cu. yds. Size of other shell buckets used 3 yds. & 2 yds. Capacity per 10 hrs. each machine 5,000 tons. Kind: Dominion Crawler Cranes. Number: 2. Size of buckets used 3 yds. & 2 yds. Capacity per 10 hrs. 4,000 tons. Method of storage: railway cars. Storage capacity--bituminous 2,000,000 tons. Depth of water boats can draw arriving at dock 19'6". Channel 19'6", Maximum length of boat that can reach your dock 630 ft. Beam 58 feet. Length of dock 1,500 ft. R.R. Conn: ©, FE. Direct Conn.: all railroads. Supt.--L. J. Baron. Phone 51. LORAIN, OHIO Erie Sand & Gravel Company-- Phone 2-2902. Address of Operator, Foot of Sassafras St., Erie, Pa. Lorain, Ohio, Car Dumper-- Lorain Elyria Sand Co. (Lesco).-- Abrahamson-Nerheim Co.-- Location: West side of River--Lorain Avenue Bridge. Manager--Captain J. S. StJohn. | Pur. Agent--A. J. Schaffner. Kind of Machines: 2 Cranes--200 tons per hour each capacity, loading and unloading. Phone Ch. 4-1975 - 4-1976. Location: Between Black River and West Breakwall on the Lake Front. Operator: Toledo, Lorain & Fairport Co., Suite 925-75 Public Sq. Phone CH. 1-3237. T. C. Sparks, Vice Pres. & Gen'l. Mgr. Res. Phone LA. 1-6838; Suite 925-75 Public Sq., Cleveland 13, Ohio. 1 Hyle & Patterson Car Dumper. Capacity 20,000 tons in 10 hours. Depth of water at dock 25 feet. Can handle any size boat. Slip 450 foot opening--length of dock 1100 feet. Supt.--F. J. Murphy. Res. Phone Ch. 56578. Phone AT. 8-9117. Location: N.E. bank of Black River, South of R.R. Bridge. oe Lorain Elyria Sand Co., 1840 Idaho Ave., Lorain, io. Mer. & Pur. Agt.: James Couture. Phone AT. 8-9117. Size of clam shell used: 2 yd. Depth of water at dock: 15 ft. (at dock); 24 ft. (self-unloader) ; channel: 24 ft. Can handle any length of boat. No R.R. connections. LUDINGTON, MICH. Phone 130. Location: Pere Marquette River, South Side, west of South Washington St. Mgr.--Martin Abrahamson, 802 E. Loomis St. Can handle 500-foot length boat. Length of dock 235 feet. Depth of water at dock 19 feet. SEE OUR COMPLETE LIST OF COAL AND ORE DOCKS 387