COAL AND MISCELLANEOUS DOCKS OF THE GREAT LAKES--Continued Abrahamson-Nerheim Co.-- Union Terminal Piers, Inc.-- Use self-unloading boats only. Storage capacity 20,000 tons. Operator--Steffen Nerheim. a... Conn: P.M, Phone 130. Location: Pere Marquette River, North Side, west of South Washington St. Mgr.--Martin Abrahamson, 802 E. Loomis St. Can handle 500-foot length boat. Length of dock 150 feet. Depth of water at dock 19 feet. Use self-unloading boats only. Storage capacity 15,000 tons. Operator--Steffen Nerheim. kh. &. Conn: FP. M. Michigan Public Service Co.-- Location: In River. Use self-unloading boats only. Storage capacity 15,000 tons. Depth of water at dock 18 feet. Can handle any length boat. Length of dock 800 feet. Mer.--F. A. Swanson. MACKINAC ISLAND, MICH. Phone 847-3988. an Parallel to and 120 ft. across from main passenger ock. Opr. Union Terminal Piers, Inc., Mackinac Island, Mich. Pur. Agt.--Hugh Rudolph. Res Phone 847-3988. Megr.--0O. W. Lang. Rigs--unload anthracite from lighters with ordinary conveyor equipment. Can use self-unloading boats. Method of storage--open stock piles on dock deck. Storage capacity 3,000 tons. Anthracite 500 tons. Depth of water at dock 16 feet aft. American Box Board Co.-- Bultema Dock & Dredge Co.-- Can handle 400 foot boat with any beam. Length of dock 650 ft., slip 550 ft., width 140 ft. between docks. R. R. Conn: None. Anthracite via rail to Cheboygan, Mich., thence lighter. Supt.--Hugh Rudolph. MANISTEE, MICH. Phone 1500. Location: Southwest end of Manistee Lake. Address of Operator: Filer City, Michigan. Manager--B. W. Martin. Pur. Agent--R. L. Hall, 470 Market St., Grand Rapids, Michigan. Use self-unloading boats only. Storage capacity 70,000 tons. Depth of water at dock 22 feet. Maximum length of boat: any with 56 foot beam. R. R. Conn.: M, & N. Eb. C. & O. Yard Supt.--R. Jacobs. Res. Phone Manistee 1938 W 2. Phone PA. 3-2111 Location: Immediately South of Manistee Salt Works. Manager: John H. Bultema. Phone PA. 3-7238 Depend on self-unloading Boats. Miscellaneous Rigs: Derrick barges available. Number: 2 Length of Booms: 100'. Size of buckets used: 3 yard. Size of Clam shells used: 3 yard. Capacity per 10 hrs: 1700 Yards. Method of storage: Open. Depth of water at dock: 23'. Channel: being dredged ta 23'. Maximum length of boat that can reach dock: 560', Beam 65'. Length of dock: 600'. Slip: 1725'. Width: Open. R.R. Conn: C&O R.R. Supt: John H. Bultema. Bultema Dock & Dredge Co. No. 1 Marine Terminal--Phone 1423. eo South of Buoy RS-8 1000' SW-2000 Lays NE by SW pprox. Operator: Bultema Dock & Dredge Co. : | | SEE OUR COMPLETE LIST OF ENGINES AND BOILERS 388