COAL AND MISCELLANEOUS DOCKS OF THE GREAT LAKES--Continued Detroit Edison Co.--Marysville Power Plant-- Morton Salt Co.-- Storage capacity 100,000 tons. Depth of water at dock 20 feet. Length of dock 1,000 feet. Can handle boats of any length and beam. R. R. Conn.: Soo Line R. R., L. S: & I. Ry. Storage capacity 50,000 tons, anthracite 3,000 tons. Depth of water at dock 20 feet. Length of dock 800 feet. MARYSVILLE, MICH. Phone Yu. 2-5438. Location: St. Clair River at Marysville, Mich. Detroit Edison Co., 2000 Second Ave., Detroit, Mich. Phone RA 2100. Opr.--cC. P. Bannan, Yard Master. Phone St. Clair 1185. Mgr.--Raymond W. Berta. Storage capacity 15,000 tons. Supt.--cC. H. Clark. Purchasing Fuel Agent--Robt. Lungren. Use self-unloading boats only. Depth of water at dock 22% feet. Length of dock 450 feet. Method of storage, drag line to cars and bunkers. Can handle any length boat. R. R. Conn.: G. T. Western, C. & O., P. H. & D. Tributary con- nections. Phone Port Huron 20161. Location: South of Detroit Edison Plant, Marysville, Mich. Dock for private use of Morton Salt only. Pur. Agent--N. L. Esthus, Chicago, II]. Depend entirely on self-unloading boats. Storage capacity 20,000 tons. Method of storage--on dock with Sanerman drag line. Depth of water at dock 20 feet. Length of dock 600 feet. mh, Conn.: P. H. & D. to G. T. WW. & P.M, Supt.--F. C. Philbrick. North Western-Hanna Fuel Co., Dock #11-- Harbor Coal & Oil Co., Inc.-- MENOMINEE, MICH. Dock Office: Foot of Third Ave., Menominee, Mich. J. T. Crawford, Vice Pres.--Operating, Phone Duluth-Ran. 2-8044, Dock Location: % mile above Ogden St. Bridge on North Side. 1 Wisconsin Bridge with 5 ton clam shell. Capacity: 300 tons per hour unloading. Storage capacity 300,000 tons. 38 crawler cranes. Depth of water at dock 22 feet. Can handle boats of any length and beam. R. R. Conn.: C. & N. W., Milw., W. & M. Supt.--G. A. Stich. Phone UNion 2-2039. North Western-Hanna Fuel Co., Limestone Products Div.-- Phone UN. 3-5555. Dock Office: Foot of Third Ave., Menominee, Mich. Vice Pres., Operations:--J. T. Crawford. Dock location: 44 mile above Ogden St. Bridge on North Side. Receives self-unloader boats only. Storage capacity 150,000 tons. Depth of water at dock 22 feet. Can handle boats any length and beam. R. R. Conn.: C. & N. W., Milwaukee, W. & M. Supt.--G. A. Stich. Phone NU. 3-2136. MICHIGAN CITY, IND. Phone 266. Location: North side at Franklin St. Bridge. Address of Operator: 101 Franklin St. Mgr.--Phillip Zorn. Purchasing Agent--Walter Lindemyer. Use self-unloading boats only. Storage capacity 10,000 tons. Fueling facilities for boats or tugs. Depth of water at dock 18 feet. Can handle any size boat. Length of dock 250 feet, slip 500 feet, width 150 feet. Phone UN. 38-5555, SEE OUR COMPLETE LIST OF COAL AND ORE DOCKS 392