COAL AND MISCELLANEOUS DOCKS OF THE GREAT LAKES--Continued MICHIPICOTEN HARBOUR, ONT. Commercial Dock-- Algoma Central & Hudson Bay Ry. Co. Mead-Morrison rope trolley. 5 ton clam shell. Capacity per 10 hours 3,750 tons. Storage capacity 125,000 tons. Depth of water at dock 20 feet. Can handle any length boat. Foreman: R. Westwood. MIDLAND, ONT. CG. 8. Lines Terminal, Toronto, Ont., Mgr., H. W. White. Pur. Agt., P. S. Jaeger, Cleveland, Ohio. Gen. Supt.--W. A. Lewis. Length of dock 1,200 feet. First dock on port side. 1 Brown Unloading Bridge. 6 ton clam shell used. Capacity per 10 hours 2,500 tons. Depth of water 25 feet. Can handle any size boat. Storage capacity 150,000 tons. R. R. Conn.: Grand Trunk. Supt.--N. E. Shaubel. This dock also used by Pittsburgh Coal Co. and The Valley Camp Coal Co. of Canada, Ltd. Century Coal Co., Ltd.-- Midland Coal Dock Co., Ltd. (Canada Steamship Lines)-- 2 Whirlies. 1 ton clam shells used. 1 ton buckets used. Capacity per 22 hours 2,200 tons. Work day and night. Storage capacity 30.000 tons. Depth of water at dock 22 feet. Maximum length of boat 500 feet. R. R. Conn G7. Supt.--D. S. Pratt. Great Lakes Coal & Dock Co.-- MILWAUKEE, WIS. Aurora Gasoline Company-- Location in Harbor: Jones Island City Pier #2. Operator: Wisconsin Petroleum Terminals. Phone HU. 3-9296. Address: Jones Island--Station D, Milwaukee, Wis. Mer.: Leland Haberer. Depend on self-unloading boats--tankers. Storage capacity 150,000 bbls. oil. Depth of water at dock 21 feet. Maximum length of boat that can reach dock, all Great Lakes tankers. Phone Division 2-8381. Location: N. Menomonee River and West Canal Street, Milwau- kee, Wisconsin. Operator: Great Lakes Coal & Dock Co., 2040 W. Wisconsin Ave., Milwaukee 3, Wisconsin. Phone Division 2-8381. Mgr.--Edward L. Erner, Dock Supt. Pur. Agt.--W. J. Lawson, Pres. Do not depend on self-unloading boats entirely. Mise. rigs: 2 Mead-Morrison bridges. Size of buckets used: 2--6 tons. Size of clam shells used: 10 tons. Capacity per 10 hrs.: 10,500 tons. Storage capacity--bituminous: 570,000 tons. Depth of water boats can draw at dock: 20 ft. Can handle any length of boat at dock. Length of dock: 2000 ft. R. R. Conn.: CMSTP&P, C&NW, Soo, PRR. Direct Conn.: CMSTP&P. Tributary Conn.: C&NW, Soo, PRR. Supt.--kE. L. Erner. Res. phone LI. 1-9346. Hansen Storage Co., Warehouse 7 and 8-- Mouth of the Milwaukee River adjacent to Harbor. Hansen Storage Co., 120-126 N. Jefferson St. Phone Broad- way 6-5770. 1 electric cable hoist with 30 foot boom. Capacity 1,000 to 1,500 bags of sugar per hour. Dry merchandise storage for large volume general merchandise. Equipped with Grinnell sprinkling system. SEE OUR COMPLETE LIST OF ENGINES AND BOILERS 393