COAL AND MISCELLANEOUS DOCKS OF THE GREAT LAKES--Continued Catharines at any hour by arrangement beforehand. Accommodation--The entrance to the harbour is between two par- allel concrete piers, 200' apart. The east pier, 2300 ft. in length, extends out 1500 ft. from the shore, 250 ft. beyond the outer end of the west pier. Southward of the inner end of the entrance piers, the harbour widens out and a central pier divides it into two parts, namely: Lock 1 of the Second Welland Canal (now out of use) is on the west side, and Lock No. 1 of the Third Welland Canal is on the east side of the inner part of the harbour. Vessels use the Third Welland Canal lock in order to enter the dry dock. (1) A section of the west harbour wall, 200' more or less in length, may be used for tie-up or mooring purposes. The remaining 150' is in use by Henry's Boat Works; A section of the southerly end of the east harbour pier, 440' in length, can be used for sand storage. The northerly 185' is in use by the Holden Sand & Gravel Co., Ltd. and the southerly 260' is in use by the Thorold Concrete Block Co. Ltd.; A section of the easterly harbour wall, 370' in length, can be used for coal and sand storage. The northerly 200' is in use by Jones-Lockhart Limited and the southerly 170' is in use by Moore-McCleary Ltd.; A section of the center pier, 295' in length, may be used for sand storage, the northerly 125' being in use by the National Sand & Materials, and the southerly 170' in use by Jones- Lockhart Ltd. Repair Facilities -- The Port Dalhousie Shipyards Ltd. Two ves- sels can be docked at the same time, side by side, one 225' and another 185' in length. The entrance gate is about 45' in width and has 1014' of water over the sill. (See Great Lakes Harbour Pilot, Vol. 1, for entering). (2) (3) (4) PORT EDWARD, ONT. Empire-Hanna Coal Corp. Limited-- Operator: Empire-Hanna Coal Corp. Limited, 805 Canadian Pacific Bldg., Toronto 1, Ontario. Phone EM. 3-3346. Pres.--A. F. McGaw. Traffic--R. R. Palmer (Toronto). Mgr.--T. Barker. Phone DI. 4-1398. Supt.--Kenneth Goode, Sr. (Toronto) Phone OX. 9-3757. Depend on self-unloading boats entirely. Storage capacity: 45,000 tons. Depth of water at dock: 15 ft. R. R. Conn.: C.N.R. siding. PORT HOPE, ONT. Port Hope. Empire Hanna.-- Operator: Peacock Lent Fuels. Phone TU. 5-2857. Address: Port Hope, Ontario. Manager: George Dolly: Phone TU. 5-2053. Pur. Agt.: Empire Hanna Coal. Method of storage: On Dock. Storage capacity--Bituminous: 10,000 tons. Anthracite. None. Depth of water at dock: 19'. Maximum length of boat that can reach dock: 250'. Length of dock: 400'. Length of slip: 2000'. Width: 100'. R.R. Conn.: None. Supt.: Kenneth Goode, Sr. Phone OX. 9-3757, Toronto, Ontario. Pittsburgh Coal Co., Ltd.-- Phone 99. C. P. R. Bide., Toronto, Ont. Depend on self-unloading boats entirely. Storage capacity 10,000 tons. Depth of water at dock 12 feet, in channel 12 feet. Can handle 250-foot boat. Length of dock 225 feet. Supt.--Stanley Storey. Dock also used by Canada Coal, Ltd. Port Hope Sanitary Mfg. Co., Ltd.-- Dock located on Center Pier--West Side. Depend on self-unloading boats. Purchasing Agent--W. N. Moore. Storage capacity 6,000 tons. Depth of water at dock 138 to 15 feet. Length of dock 800 feet. R. R. Conn.: C. N. &. BR, READ CAREFULLY EVERY ADVERTISEMENT IN THIS DIRECTORY 415