COAL AND MISCELLANEOUS DOCKS OF THE GREAT LAKES--Continued Morton Salt Co. Port Huron Seaway Terminal-- Length of booms 60 ft. & 35 ft. Depth of water at dock 22 ft. Length of dock 700 ft. Length of boat--any length. R. R. Conn.: C. & O Grand Trunk. Direct Conn.: C. & O. Supt.--H. C. Foster, Jr. Phone EM. 4-6661. Location: St. Clair River. Operator: E. Czostkowski. Phone EN. 17-2345. Address. 7051 Main, Smiths Creek, Michigan. Mer.: C. H. Martin. Phone YU. 4-2766. No unloading. Bulk loading of salt only. 200 tons per hr. through conveyor and telescoping chute. Storage capacity: 8000 tons bulk salt. Depth of water at dock: 19 ft. Can handle any length and beam of boat. Length of dock: 1250 ft. R.R. Conn.: PH&D, GT, C&O; Direct Conn.: PH&D; Tributary Conn.: GT, C&O. Asst. Mgr.: J. A. Brumbaugh. Municipal Dock (Water Works)-- Dock located on St. Clair River. Depend on self-unloading boats. Purchasing Agent--City Commission. Storage capacity 5,000 tons. Depth of water at dock 20 feet. Length of dock 200 feet. R. R. Conn P.M RB. i. Phone YU. 2-8596. Location: Directly on St. Clair River, S. Port Huron. Operator: Port Huron Terminal Co., Box 273, Port Huron, Michigan. Phone YU. 2-8596. Mer. & Pur. Agt.--Charles Myron. Do not depend on self-unloading boats entirely. Misc. rigs: 2 18 ton elevated, mobile, gantry cranes. Port Huron Sulphite & Paper Co.-- Webb Fuel Co.-- Storage capacity: 32,000 sq. ft. warehouse space; 56,000 sq. ft. open storage. Depth of water boats can draw at dock: 28 ft.; channel: 28 ft. Can handle any length and beam of boat at dock. Length of dock: 715 ft.; no slips. R. R. Conn.: C&O and Grand Trunk R. R. Direct Conn.: Yes; Tributary Conn.: P.H.&D. R.R. Supt.--Charles Myron. Res. phone YU. 2-8596. NOTE: In 1960 this dock was converted into a general cargo dock, serving primarily the ocean freighters on the Seaway trade. The greater part of activity is in foreign commerce. Does not specialize in bulk cargoes. Phone 20191. Located on Black River. Mgr.--L. T. Summers. Pur. Agt.--W. D. Thompson. Self-unloaders--almost entirely. 1 Whirlies for unloading pulp. Fast plants--Pulp unloading for own use only. Coal can be re- ceived from self-unloaders but no boat of this type small enough. Now available. Method of storage--direct to warehouses. Maximum length of boat 300 feet, 56 foot beam. R. R. Conn.: G. T. Western. Supt.--L. T. Summers. Phone 6635. Phone YU. 5-6141. Location: On St. Clair River. Mgr.--Wm. Dwyer, 310 Griswold St. Phone YU. 5-6141. Purchasing Agent-- H. S. Webb Jr. Use self-unloading boats only. Storage capacity, Bituminous 15,000 tons. Booms 200 ft. Depth of water at dock 20 feet. Can handle boat approx. 600'. Beam approx. 40'. Length of dock 600 feet. Rk. R. Conn.: G. 7. Supt.--Wm. Dwyer. Res Phone YU. 2-7214. SEE OUR COMPLETE LIST OF GRAIN ELEVATORS 417