COAL AND MISCELLANEOUS DOCKS OF THE GREAT LAKES--Continued Capacity per 10 hrs. ea. machine: 3500 tons; total: 3500 tons. Method of storage: Stock pile in yard. Storage capacity--bituminous: 10,000 tons; limestone: 175,000 tons. Depth of water boats can draw at dock: 21 ft. 5 in.; channel: 24 ft. Can handle any length and beam of boat that can reach dock. Length of dock: 1200 ft.; length of slip: 1200 ft.; width: 180 ft. R. R. Conn.: N.P., G.N., Soo, C.N.W.; Tributary Conn.: Yes. Supt--Lloyd Hangen. Res. Phone EX. 2-3255. Phone EX. 4-5578. Location: St. Louis Bay. Operator: Great Lakes Coal & Dock Co. Phone Mid. 6-6511. Address: 2102 University Ave., St. Paul 14, Minn. Pres.: F. O. Selseth. Phone Mid. 6-6511. Do not depend on self-unloading boats entirely. 2 Mead Morrison bridges. Size of clam shell used: 10 ton. Capacity per 10 hrs. ea. machine: 5000; total: 10,000. Method of storage: Direct from vessel to dock. Storage capacity -- bituminous: 800,000. Depth of water at dock: 20 ft.; channel: 115 ft. Can handle any length and beam of boat. Length of dock: 2240 ft.; length of slip: 2240 ft. a G.N., C&NW, NP, Soo Line, Milwaukee, DM&IR, Direct Conn.: G.N. Supt.: Emil W. Engstrom. Great Lakes Coal & Dock Co.-- Res. Phone EX. 2-1952. Great Lakes Storage & Contracting Company-- Location: Superior Bay. Megr.--F rank J. Puskarich. 2 Heyl & Patterson Rigs. 8 ton clams. 4 million bu. grain in enclosed shed. 10 acres dock space (cement covered). Can handle any size boat at shed or dock. Crane vessels at dock site. | Hallet & Carey Dock-- North Western-Hanna Fuel Co., Dock #1-- Reiss Coal Co., The C.-- Length of dock 1,200 ft. Width 1,500 ft. R. R. Conn.: S. St. P. M. & O. direct. R. R. Conn.: all roads at head of Lakes. Phone EX. 4-4972. Location: Ft. of N. 5th Street. Operator: Hallet & Carey Dock, Grain Exchange, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Phone EX. 4-4972. Mgr.--Geo. Sassman. Phones RA. 4-5568 & RA. 17-1507. Pur. Agt.--Keith LeBand. Do not depend on self-unloading boats entirely. | Kind of machines: 3 Mead Morrisons (steam). | Size of clam shell buckets used: 2 ton; clean up: 3 ton. Capacity per 10 hrs. ea. machine: 700 ton; total: 2100 ton. Length of booms: 50 ft. Method of storage: Shed and open. Storage capacity--grain screenings: 24,000 ton. Depth of water boats can draw at dock: 18 ft.; channel: 23 ft. ar ae length of boat that can reach dock: 600 ft.; beam: 50 ft. Length of dock: 60 ft.; Length of slip: on channel. R. R. Conn.: G.N., C.N.W., N.P., Milwaukee, Soo. Tributary Conn.: L. St. & T. Supt.--Keith LeBand. Res. phone EX. 8-3700. Phone Export 8-5737. General Office: 2150 N. Prospect Ave., Milwaukee 2, Wis. Dock Location: Allouez Bay. J. T. Crawford, Vice Pres.--Operating. Phone RA. 2-3044. 2 Brown Hoist Bridges with 14 and 8% ton clam shells. Capacity: 700 tons per hour unloading. Storage capacity 750,000 tons. Depth of water at dock 23 feet. Can handle boats of any length or beam. Dock length 3,100 feet--width 500 feet. R. R. Conn.: G.N., N.P., CNW, Soo, Milw., D.M. & LR., C.N. Gen. Supt.--B. C. Whaley. Res. Phone RA. 2-9108. Phone 5527 Location: St. Louis Bay. SEE OUR COMPLETE LIST OF COAL AND ORE DOCKS 437