A FEW HISTORICAL FACTS AND THE CANALS--Continued The locks at the Welland Canal have the same controlling di- mensions as those in the new Seaway--Montreal to Lake Ontario. Locks 1-7 of the Welland Canal are lift locks. Lock #8 is essen- tially a guard lock. Locks 4, 5, 6 are twinned and in flight. Welland Canal is 27 miles long, overcomes a difference in level of 326 feet, between Lake Ontario and Lake Erie. The controlling channel dimensions for the Seaway, Lake Erie to Montreal, are: Depth to a minimum of 27 feet--to permit transit of vessels drawing 25 feet (fresh water draft). Width of channel: (a) When flanked by two embankments (b) When flanked by one embankment (c) In open reaches 200 feet minimum 300 feet minimum 450 feet minimum ecereee ee ee OOF Ow 160 OOO) 8. 8110 6. 6) 8:06 bi 0 0. 6.0 0 Maximum Size of Ship Permitted to Transit the Seaway: Ships up to 715 feet in overall length and with a beam of 72 feet are permitted to transit the Seaway without restrictions or special instructions. Ships not exceeding 730 feet overall and 75-foot, 6 inch extreme breadth may transit the Seaway. Vessels' masts must not extend more than 117 feet above water level. THE ST. LAWRENCE RIVER CANALS A boat coming from Montreal to Lake Ontario would have to pass through six canals and make 21 lockages. These locks would give a lift of 20714 feet. The total length of the six canals is 45 miles, and the length of the trip from Montreal to Lake Ontario is 182 miles. The first canal--the Lachine--begins right at the city of Montreal and the last canal--the Galops--is 7 miles below Ogdens- burg. There is free sailing from Montreal eastward to the sea and westward from Ogdensburg to Port Weller. The distance from Og- densburg to Lake Ontario is 62 miles. The distance from Montreal to the mouth of the St. Lawrence river is 986 miles. The names of the six Canadian canals are as follows, beginning at Montreal: The Lachine, the Soulanges, the Cornwall, Farrans Point, Rapide Plat, and Galops. These canals are built to accommo- date boats 255 feet long, 42 feet beam and of 14 feet draft. But the new lock at the Farrans Point canal is 800 feet in length. A short description of these canals is given below: LOCK DATA Lgth. Breast | Width of Length of | Length of Normal Wall to Chamber | Upper Ent. | Lower Ent. Lock Lift Ft. Fender Ft. Ft. Ft. Iroquois 05-60 766' 80 3000 1500 Eisenhower 38-42 766' 80 1650 1650 Snell 45-49 766' 80 1650 1650 Upper Beauharnois 36-40 766' 80 2265 1023 Lower Beauharnois | 38-42 766' 80 1012 2124 Cote Ste. Catherine | 33-35 766' 80 1590 1603 St. Lambert 13-20 766' 80 2268 2954 NOTE Minimuni depins on lock Gate sillS......:.2....5-2. 5102.5. e ee 30 ft. Controlling Channel depins.. 0... aki = 2/ tt. Maximum Recommended Vessel Dimensions Length... 6. 715 ft. Width. 6. Wit Dratt. 5 25 it + Mileages along C of sailing course shown thus °¢ ae ae taken at intersection of seaway channel C and Bellerive Park range of ship channel. LEGEND = a e< ©.I.P. Calling-in Point ® Anchorage area Seaway radio--Telephone despatch station 472