C. F. WAUGH Steamship and Transport Agent Prompt Clearance and Efficient Handling of Merchandise Assured 1619 Windsor Avenue Windsor, Ont. | Phone 254-4345 253-8732 24 Hour Service... by Specialists in COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION and AIR CONDITIONING All Work Guaranteed! é CHICAGO HARBOR-- (calle MURE" me | MURPHY & MILLER, INC. OR ST.¢ CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Where Water & Rail Meet MAGNET & BUCKET EQUIPMENT For Handling & Storing BULK FREIGHT "Railroad connections with all Main Lines at Windsor, Ont.' J. KOVINSKY & SONS LTD. 110 HILL ST. WINDSOR, ONT. Phone 25-5188 ZENITH DREDGE COMPANY Waterfront at 13th Avenue West Duluth 2, Minnesota Salvage -- Lightering -- Wrecking Dock Construction -- Pile Driving Phone 727-1561 Nites 727-4705 55