NAMES OF BOATS WHICH HAVE BEEN CHANGED Bge. Str, New Name Accommodation (Can.) . Agawa (Cat) 2-2. Algocen (Can)... .... Algomah 2nd-... 62... Algonaé. = 2.41. Algorall (Can.). 2... | Algosoo: (Can)... Algosteel (Can.)....... Algoway (Can,),..-.._. Amoco Hlgois. 2... .:. Amoco Indiana. ,....... Amoco Michigan....... Amoco Wisconsin....... Angus, R. Bruce (Can.) . Anticosti (Cap)... Aquaratia. 2... ....2.. Asheroft (Gan... .. 2. Ashland. 2.2. 2s: Atkinson, Arthur K..... Austitt, © Avondale (Can;)..2. 2. Band, © S. (an) 2. Battleford (Can.). 3. Bayanna {€an.).. .. .. Bayfam (Can) Baygeorge (Can,)... -.. Bayshell (4an9 . 2. Bayton (Cana); 4)... Bay Transport... Bay of Quinte (Can.)... Bennett, C. A. (Can.).. Bethichem ....,. 3... Bienville (Can. ).......: Black River os o ). Block, E. J... Block, Joseph oe Blue Cross (Can)... Blue River (Can.)...... Booth, Edwin Lk... .... Bothnm (Can)... Former Name . Victoria .Goderich (Can. ) .John J. Barlum . Bainbridge . Syracuse-Lakewood-Schwartz, K. V. . Home Smith--Wnm. S. Mack .J. F. Taylor--Saturn--P. G. Walker . Thomas Barlum .J. J. Boland, Jr.--Henry P. Werner-- G. Watson French Cowan, W. P. .Red Crown .Stewart, R. W. . Seubert, E. G. Imperial Redwater (Can. ) -Glenclova-Anticosti (Can. ) . Marine Star .Gleniffer (Can.) -Randall.-€. B. .Ann Arbor No. 6 . Willis L. King .George F. Rand--John A. France (Can.) -Owendoc (Can. .Glenross (Can. ) . Aragon .Coalhaven (Can. ) .Cleet, Geo. S. .Allen, Justine C. .Francis Widlar . Britamlube . Bayfax (Can. ) . Viscount Bennett--Berryton (Can.) . Midvale . McKie Blanch H.--47 Sir Isaac Lothiam ..N. F. Leopold--W. R. Woodford . Arthur Hawgood .Red Head (Can. ) .Red Chief (Can. ) .D. M. Whitney Jack New Name Former Name Str. Boucherville (Can.)..... Hochelaga Bge. Boyce, Jesse L.:....-.:.. Milan SUG ABL30 Str.. Breech, Ernest R......-. Hutchinson, C. L. '© Bricoidoe (Caa.). 4... JH. Hoyt 'Brookdale (Can.).......Hindman, Geo.--Brockton--Dornock-- Glenclova '* Brown, Beaver (Can.)...Fulton Bge. Bryn Barge (Can.)...... Bryn Mawr Str. BUCKeVe,.. 662.41. Thomas Britt--G. N. Nelson " . Buckport (Can,)........ New York News (Can. ) " Budd, Ralph'... Superior "> -Burlmeton (Can. jo .. S. H. Robbons--H. W. Oliver we (Cade. 0 Lake Angeline Calate tl. 2)... Clyde, William G. " Gabin, Ben Wo Geo. R. Rand > Camra 2 E. H. Utley "< Campbell, J. A. .i.5.0.. A. C. Dustin "Cape Transport (Can.) .. Northcliffe Hall (Can. ) "Car, Geo Mi... Matthew Andrews = Carmanan, Paul Hie... Atlantic Dealer to edarvile 26 A. F. Harvey MenMeOe. Virginia " Cemico-rie. 3... Syracuse--Socony @emieo Tuell... .. 2. Poling Bros. No. 4 " -Chapleaa (Can.).-...... Glenealy--Geo. C. Howe " Chicago Tribune (Can.) . Thorold M/V Chippewa... ....¢. 50 Mary Margaret Str. Chisholm, Alex D........Elton Hoyt 2nd--W. P. Snyder Cite' De Trois Rivieres (Can) Lauzon City of Green Bay (car Berry). Str. Wabash City of Munising... 0... Pere Marquette No. 20 Clarke BA: S......:...0F Bope Ciis Victory... 3. 2... Notre Dame Victory Cimton =... 2. Coniscliffe Hall Civmer f1... John G. Munson--C., D. Bradley Coastal Carrier (Can.)...Allan B. Fiertz Coastal Cascades (Can.) .Cedar Bay--Virginia--J oan We carry names in this list of boats that are extinct, but they are carried for historical and reference purposes. 69 Will appreciate patronizing our Advertisers