STEAMSHIP CORPORATIONS OF THE GREAT LAK ES--Continued Name Fleet No. McQueen Marme iid .....0.....02..0 64602 ss: 105 Marathon Corporation ot Cannda bid... 1. ee. 109 Marine Fueling 0G. 108 Marine Industries Tig. ..-.) 110 Marine Transii ine.3 ee it) Merritt-Chapman @ Scot Garp... 3... oo 115 Michigan Limestone Diy. (U.S. Steel Corp.) .................. gH Michigan Tankers, Ige. ... 2.3 6s. 119 Morgan Towing & Transportation Co., imc... 2... ce. 124 Mohawk Navigaiton (0, tit. -....0.. 7. 122A National Sand & Material Co. itd. 3... 8. 127 Neuman Boat lane, ie: 2... a a. 128 Norris Graia ©6,, 140. 3. 184 North Coast Steamshio Co. til... 6 | sk: 129A North Pioneer Steamship Co. ltd... ec ok 129B Northwest Steamiships bid. 5. 2... a 130 Ore Navigation Corp. (Bethlehem Steamship Corp.) ........... 15 Orleans Steamship Co., Ltd. 2. ce 131A Paterson & Sons, Ltd, 6.3) ie 132 Penn-Dixie Cement Corp. 2... ......... 134 Petco Corporation §..-.... 54.5.2. ee. 136 Pheifer Oil Transport Co,, tne... 2-6. ke, 137 Pipe Line Tankers: Idd. i....2.57 140 Pittsburgh Steamship Div. (U, S. Steel Corp.) ..........¢..-... 141 Powell Transports, Utd. .-. 5 3. ae eee. 142 Pyke Salvage Co. tid: 3 a es. 147 Quebec & Ontario Transportation Co,, Lid. ... 66.5 eee ee ek 149 Quebec Paper Sales & Transportation Co., Ltd, ................ 148 Name Fleet No. Red Arrow Steamship Co....0.........0.5..2 0... 173B Redwood Enterprises, Lid. ............5).0......4.0. 22 153 Reiss Steamship Co... 2) 0500..0 7. 173B Reoch Steamship Co., Lid, The... 153 Republic Steel Corp. (Lake Fleet Div.) .....2.-........ 154 Rockport Steamship Co... ...-.........5...2 3. 173B Saguenay Terminals, Ltd. (Demerara-Saguenay Div.) ......... 158 mpcott Misener Steamshins Etd............- 5, 158A peaways Atlantic Corp. 9.0.0... a 159 mnell Canadian Tankers, Ltd. ...... 985). 5.,.5. 160 Socony Mobile Oil Co, Ine... 002 164 Socony- Vacuum Oi] Co,, Ine.) 32.3 165 Straits Transit, Ine... 169A swedish American Line Agenty, Inc: ....2...-.. 6. .40....... 170 Terra Nova Steamship Co., bid... .,...... 2.0... 171A Texaco lie. 6 ee 172 The British American Transportation Co., Ltd. ................ 173 The Newfoundland-Great Lakes Steamships, Ltd. .............. 174 The Owen Sound Transportation Co., Lid. ..........: 262... 174A qame WG). 2 6 175 Tomlinson Fleet Com. ..02.500.5...5500.2)0 176 'Transit Tankers & Terminals, Lid... .2.. 3.2... 2 179 Upper Lakes Shipping Lid. ............2... 2.7 184 Westdale Shipping Lita. 2.4.20... ge 153 West Shore fuel ye. 191 Yankeanuck Steamsting, Lid... ... 5.65. ... 5c. 195 77