COMPARTMENT CARRYING CAPACITIES OF LAKE VESSELS FOR COAL, WHEAT, IRON ORE & STONE--Continueg COAL WHEAT es VESSEL 1 2 3 4 5 @ =Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 Total. Parkdale (Caii.).......... Ore 12,500 Coal 13,800 Stone 12,800 Povnder:. cs. Zino 2/00 27o0 ZiS0 2. 6 21,000 180,000. 130,000 125,000 ...... ....., =e 385, Patterson, Joseph Medill. (Can.) Iron Ore 3000 Stone 3000 Coal 2000 Sand 3000 124,000 ...... sesiet eet tte 2 Potton, Thomas F......... 3700 3700 3700 2000 ee r----e-- 8 Pau, Charles A........... 2500 2600 2500 2600 10,200 90,000 92,000 90,000 92,000 ...... 5 364, Peckinpaugh, Day. . a a GO000 eke ee ee Pern it... "No. 1 Grain iL 000, "Bale 10, 300; *Tween Deck Grain 14,068, Bale 12,650; No. 2 Grain 16,300, Bale 15,450; Grain Total 92.6 g Pern RO... 2.2... Coal 8500 Short Tons Pickands, Colonel James... 4400 4200 4400 13,000 150,000 150,000 150000 ......, .....07 = Pic River (Can.)......... Coal 5300 Wheat 190,000 Puepury, J. 5.......-0..; 1200 1400 2a. 2,600 40,700 46,300 = 650. 6s a PAGOOY go es Ba0.. 500 = 4D 1,600 21,700 16,700 15,000 4. a Faneaaie (Can.).......... 2500 2700 2300 2800 10,300 80,000 90,000 85,000 95,000. 6.6. Prat, Henry fk. Jr.:....... Ore 9500 Coal: 98005. lS Fr C=" CC POW ans 3700 3000 3000 3500 13,200 107,000: 114,000 112,000 112,000... 2. Pilea 66 600 500 © 420 sere 1,500 21,000 16,000 15,000 <....52. 2... Post, GG. Tron Ore 5400 Coal 5800 'Siose 5400 -Sand 6200... 8. Powell, K. A.(Can.)(Bge.) 1600 2100 2200 5,900 50,000 67,000 13000. 6. PS; No. 1 (Can.)(Bge.)... 3000 3000 G000 . 2066 ae a ae Peesion (Can.)........... 1425 1025 2 2,00 49,000 45,000. bee Pee ce ee. 1800 2700 2300 6,800 58,000 86,000 T1000 = ks pins mrederic Liendik 2 A--Hold x 1 56940 cu. ft. grain *Tween Decks 43030 cu. B--Hold x 2 43454 cu. ft. grain *Tween Decks 33253 cu. eee eee ee ee A--Hold * 1 56940 cu. ft. grain *Tween Decks 43030 cu. B--Hold x 2 43348 cu. ft. grain *Tween Decks 33253 cu. Pee es a A--Hold * 1 48120 cu. ft. grain *Tween Decks 37004 cu. B--Hold x 2 32710 cu. ft. grain *Tween Decks 25790 cu. Pee ea ee 8 ae. A--Hold x 1 56940 cu. ft. grain 'Tween Decks 43030 cu. B--Hold * 2 43454 cu. ft. grain *Tween Decks 33253 cu. ee ea A--Hold x 1 56940 cu. ft. grain *Tween Decks 43030 cu. B--Hold x 2 43454 cu. ft. grain 'Tween Decks 33253 cu. rms, Willem Van Oranje 9 9.2.3 8 ee, A--Hold x 1 48990 cu. ft. grain *Tween Decks 33030 cu. B--Hold x 2 33500 cu. ft. grain 'Tween Decks 25030 cu. Bmnceton. 22... 6... Ore 7200 Coal 7100 Stone 7200 Wheat 245,000 Purnell, Frank......:. 2... oo00' 3600 3600 3000 .... ..,, 13,500 120,000: 125,000 125,000 120000. ..... = = | Cgedoc (at). esas. Iron Ore 15,500 G. T. 525,000 bu Ragneborg (Swd.)........ er Randal © Bo... Ore 11,050 Coal 11,600 Stone 11,050 Wheat 380,000 Pie Bo 650. S50. 850 4... .... 3.400 26,000 32,000 32,000 21,000. kc Peete ee ks 850 . 850 850... 850 3,400 26,000 32,000 32,000 26000. ct S50. 850 850 850 3,400 26,000 32,000 32,000 21,000 ...0. be 850 850 850 850 3,400 26,000 32,000 32,000 27,000 6 Beeaye 850 850 850 850 3,400 26,000 32,000 32,000 27000 £2 Melon. ke ee. 850 850 850 . 850 3,400 26,000 32,000 32,000 27000. metes Grothers.........,.. 3000 3600 3600 2300 . 13,000 90,000 120,000 120,000 1000006 = = | Foie; Clersens A... ....... wow 2700 2100 2500 ....° 2... 10,400 79,000 93,000 93,000 85,000 Reiss, We foe ooo fifo 1610 110 1000 7220 = .2) 8 ee Moms (on... wood, 2700 «2200 3000... 10,400 79,000 93,000 85,000 93000 ..... = ies. Oo V1... 1800 2000 2006 2100 .... 2... 7900 56,000 69,000 70,000 70,000 ees Petr... 1980. 650 1950 1350-1850 1000. 9,000 Peo Ft, Boom gp le No 79 meee A... 4800 4300 4700 ay 8 BOO 170,000 150000. 155000... eigs, ichard J........... Ore 15,000: Coal 12, 800 Sione 15,000. Sand 15,000... ewes, Wiliam A.......... 3300 3800 3800 3100 se 14,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 a a ee : ae ee ee Ce een ee ierdcon, WC... ron Ore tone 71 and 8000 Coal 7,600 60,000 60,000 60000 Gong Ridgetown (Can.)......-. Ore 10,700 Coal 11,200 Stone 10,700 Wheat 390,000 a oe 0,00 ovpertson, Peter.......... 2600. 2800 32600 2800... -, 10,800 97,000 93,000 93,000 97,000 Iron Ore 10,600 ? PIN ara aaa me ane eater mouse, ©. S.,.2....2.:. 2700 2700 2700 2700... < °10;500 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 Robinson, 1. W........... Ore 15,000 Coal 11,000 Stone 15,000 : 2 Rockcliffe Hall (Can.)..... Ore 4625 Wheat 138,000 Moepung, Jonn A.......... 2000 2100 2100 1700 737-000 70,000 76,000 76,000 60,000 oe, Wiaraiis....-...... Iron Ore 7256 Coal8127 Stone8127 Sand8127 Wheat 280,000 a Ropes iy ek Ore 13,985 Coal 10,000 Stone 13,985 Peegemount. 2... cc es. 300. 70 600... ya eOn 29,000 24,000 OKO Popa... 2300 2300 2000 2000 2000 2300 12,900 80,000 79,500 70,000 70,000 70,000 79,000 448, 500. No. 3 Grain 21,300, Bale 20,000; No. 4 Grain 15,900, Bale 15,100; 'Iween Deck Grain 14,400, Bale 13,000; Bale Total 86, Ore 2000 G. T. each of 6 Holds. Total 12,000 Ore figures based on 2240 lbs. to the ton. Coal figures based on 2000 Ibs. to the ton. Stone figures based on 2240 Ibs. to the ton Gross, Sand figures based on 2000 Ibs. to the ton Net. 98 Cargo ton equals 2000 pound 'n.a.'"' means not available.