COMPARTMENT CARRYING CAPACITIES OF LAKE VESSELS FOR COAL, WHEAT, IRON ORE & STONE--Continueg © COAL WHEAT VESSEL 1 2 3 4 5 6 Total 1 2 3 4 9 6 To Thomas, Sidney G......... OO... 4k 8 eB 200,000 keke, aes. a 200. Thompson, David P....... Ore 12,150 Coal 13,200 Stone 12,150 Wheat 425,000 Thompson, Joseph H...... Iron Ore 18,500 Coal 20,300 be ee a a 2 Amora (an)........... 2100 2700 2700 2700 = 2. ....* 10,800 97,000 98,000 97,000 98,000 ....,, 390, minder bay............. dro Ore 16,009 GT, Coal i8389G.t..... .e, 662000 03. + : Tees Paull. ...... 2. Boo) «2900-2000 2900 2..." 2.7) 115,600 95,000 95,000 95,000 95.000. ...... 52 380, Tomine, G. A... .. 6... Coal 11,274 Stone 18,110 Sand 18,110 sorougoe (0dn.)... TO) O00 ce 3000 48,000 QB000> ...55. 2 oo. 96, MTowensend,E.Y.......... O90) 3100 3800... 63.4. «... 11400 136,000 132,000 136,000 .....5. .... 0 32 404, (ag diye 1000 = 950. 3,000 40,000 40,000 39,000 8 a ae 11 ee ee deo0 800 «950 2.655... 74. 3100 50,000 30,000 30,000 9b. eke 115, Uhlmann Brothers........ Zhou 2100 2100 2150 . <........> 8,500 80,000 75,000 75,000 30,000. 2... 457 3 310, United States Gypsum..... 1000. 625 625 1800 2100 2200 8,350 Attachable 30' 'Chute: ....5. 0 ua 3 OO Ne 2500 2700 2300 2800 Iron Ore 10,000 10,300 80,000 90,000 85,000 95,000 2.4451 350,000 Valley Camp (Can.)...... m0 N00) B00) 400°. 700 205) 8500 ee a oy Mouey Camp............, oo e200 S000)... .. 2.2 10,800 125,000... 135,000 120,000... ...... 380,000 oe, .. 1900 1600 1600) 1800 33. 3.4525 7,200 60,000 65,000 65,000 60,000 2. 250,000 WO0US, 2... 1100; 1600 1600 1600 1600 ..... . 7.500 41,000 53,000 60,000 57,000 54,000. 265,000 Voorhees, Enders M....... Oey 9400 6000... ..... .... 18,000 210,000, 180,000 210,000... 31..5, 2.552 600,000 Wie, NL... Pape Steck 2000 Tone. WE Be 65,000 Wageevite 8k. 1 1400 2 a a 2600 41,000 A000 . fo a 84, Wiaen, JaMes. ..- 8... 1300 2500 2500 2200. .... 2... 9000 60,000 91,000 91,000 83,000... 32 325,000 Waren, Wiliam C........ 100 1800 a ae 8 2 A2,000- 47,500: 89 Wi ekeNCO,. ... suo 200 150 150 22... (... OD 6. 8. oe Matson, Walter E......... aa 2000 4000... 2a. 2 18000 H50,000 164.000. 136,000 §......5. 2... 450, Myeotier, KR H.. ...., Ore 11,000 Coal 11,500 Wheat 420M aver. Ernest 7... ......... Iron Ore 19,500 Coal 21,500 ee ae a a Weldon, D: .(Can, )(Bge.) 1500 1400 1400 1200 .... .... 5,500 55,000 52,000 51,000 92,000 .. 2.055, 216, Weel CharlesC........... 160° 1100 1375. 600 650 1250 ee ee ee We 0 ee Westcliffe Hall (Can.)..... Ore 4370 N.T. Wheat 140,000 Westdale (Can.)......... Ore 10,500 Coal 11,000 Stone 11,700 Sand 11,700 Wheat 393,000 Mreeunoutit ........5.... 2300 1900 1100 1100 1900 2300 10,600 70,000 70,000 50,000 50,000 75,000 70,000 385, Ween oe. 100 1600... gk a a BO 50,000 60,000 hire. (9 110, Woeat King (Can.),...... Iron Ore 15,300 Coal 15,300 Stone 15,300 Wheat 560,000 Bu. ee, CM... Iron Ore 3000 oe Ole awe, WE... Ore 13,079 Coal 9,500 Stone 13,079 Wiuensh Bay (Can.)......... ee ae 1--191250 2--3 & 5--244800 4--206550 6--221850 Morten, (.... ... WVUNOWOGY 58. 630 500 220 ..... As. 1550 21,000 16,000 15,000 Wet oak 52, Wilson, Thomas .......... Tron Ore 16,100" Coal 1G000 =|. 120,000 125,000 125,000 120,000 ...... |... 495, eee 1800 1800 1800 1800 =... 22. 27200 60,000 65,000 65,000 60,000... 250, ee Oe 29,000 20,000 29000 Pe 72, Wol, Wiliam H.......... Iron Ore 9700 Coal 10,000 Stone 9800 ieee. LS ee 370, Wolvin, Augustus B....... 2200 2800 2800 2900. .... ©. 11,400 94,000 94,000 94,000 115,000 |... 397,000 Wood, joseph S........... 4000 4500 4400 4400Iron Ore17,500 17,300 128,000 i «140,000 «141,000: 552,000 Mevescotle,........2.,.0. ee ee Yankcanuck (Can.)....... elae 1O0 2125, ae 8000 84,490 17,740 MOO ee 197,8 Noon... 5... pe oo 2 ee 8 34,500 28,500 BOO eee 96,500 re es 200 ta to he. or es ede Oke ee N Cargo ton equals 2000 pounds 100