ENGINES AND BOILERS OF LAKE SHIPS--Continued ENGINES BOILERS Year VESSEL - Built Type | Cylinders and Stroke No. | Type | Size Wesp caries © . 2 Skinner Unaflow..... 4-2316x26 2 Foster Wheeler 26,000-30,000 each 1951 MWectcime Fall (Gan.),........ 6. M.A.N. Twin Screw 1280 H.P. 23.5-33 Diesel Fuel Oil 86 tons 1956 Westddle se ee Triple Exp. 2.0 0, 24-39-65x42 2 Water Tube....... 1936 Westin, O. bi ee. Electromatic Diesel 900 B. H. P. 814x10" Model 12-567 Bunker Fuel Oil 20,000 Westmount (Can.). Dayton Automatic Stoker Tnple Exp... 32, 24-40-66x42 S Scotch... 23... 13x17 1953-54 West SUOlG: 8. 2 oo ess a ee Ge 1947 Wevourm (Can)... ..5. 80 ae Trple Bxp;. ... 18-30-50x36 BOON ee, 13/6¢x11' 1927 eat King (Cati.)......... Roman Doxford Diesel OPP Piston 700 M M (8300 1. H.P.) " a) : 2320 M M Combined Stroke 2 Scotch © 3.5...., 15312" 1952 Wiite CoM. 7 - Geared Turbine Hendy Cross Compound Water Tube....... 1945 White, Wide... Spreader Steam Recip. Triple Exp. 2800 H.P.... 2514-41-67x42 2 Water Tube F.W. 20,000 x /Hr. 1945 Wiarteelsh Bay (Can: )... 2. <0. o. ee Cross Compound Tur. Fuel Oil 9500 2 W. T., Foster Wheeler 500 P. S. I. .. 1960 Wither PAL Bi 6 ee. ape Exp... 24-39-65x42 2 Bo& Wo. fe. 1938 Wiedenborstel (German)................... Marine Diesel M.A.K. 1400 H.P. 1953 - Wiltranco; |. (Barge)... a. ee, 4 Cyl. Quad. Exp. Spreader 2114-3014-43-61x42 2 B. & W.--W.T.... 1949-1963 Wiliams (1p)... 2 Motors 2 Cyl. 950 H.P. each Cooper Bessemer, Diesel Electric LOSE x13'5" Wiliams HDs... Triple Exp. Geared, *urb. 2000 S. HP... .. 2416-41-65x42 2 Wel ee 13'6"x11' 1917-1950 Willowbay (Can:)... 2.2... 3. ee. 2 triple Exp... 2 3... 12-20-3114x161%4 2 Scotch: <° 4 2... 11/6'x9/7" 1920 Moe (an ee. To be Converted 1930 Wilson: Dhonmias:... 4... sk, Combustion Eng. Lentz 225%-50x48 2 Comb. Eng. Sectional 225% Hi-low 1943 4 Cyl. Reciprocating Double Compound Header 25,000 lbs. hr. each eee. Trple xp... 56... 3: 21-33-57x42 2 Scotch, 3 75..7 12/612" 1904 Winnipes (Can) 4.02... drple bsp... 2, 18-30-50x36 2 Scotch... 5.7 13'6"x11' 1926 WO Wor ee diple Exp; Steam... 3-2234x3614x6014x42 2 Wooten 13/9/31 6" 1908 Wolfe Islander (Can. ) Fen) ee, Diesel, 2 F.M. 31A, 614M., 400 B.H.P. Wolvinv A. Bo .... Oil fired--B. & W. Quad Exp: 7... 1814-2814-4314-66x42 Z Wat. Tube B. & W. 1938 Wood, JOSC00 O.. 2.0 8. Oil Fired De Laval Tur. G.R. Comp. Geared 2 B. & W. Water Tube 500 spi 1953 Woods Prank =... 5, He PN ©. eo. 18x24 1 Pire Box. 22... 6'6"'x12' Wrooht (Barge). ee, Gray Marine Series No. 671 Diesel 2 Cyl. 416/x5' WyandOtle. 20.0 Triple Exp............. 18-31-50x36 a Scotch... 2... 5... 2x14" 1908 Wyehem 104.00. ee Present Boiler Equipment in process of change. Weyehem 105.0) 0 Present Boiler Equipment in process of change. Vankeanuek (Wan). 1 Copper Bessemer Air Induction 8 Cyl. 22" stroke 1890 Horse Power 1963 Norton (Can) oe ee. Triple Exp. 17-28-46x33 2 SCOLGH) 3:5: 12x11? 1911 Young, |. We 6 2s ee. G. E. Steam Turbine Electric Motors Electric Driven S.H.P. 7240 2 W.T.B. 2-11354 W.P. 500 Ibs. 1945 Wewing AUeUst 6. i a. 'Eriple-Exp....... 2.022 2416-40-65x42 2 Water Tube. .....,. 1954 COLLINGWOOD TERMINALS LIMITED Fireproof Concrete Elevators. Capacity 2,000,000 Bushels. Collingwood, Ontario. 113