OTTAWA OSurHs FAS c --S_ IN,4 Lb Copyrighted by M. E. Green, 1965 ST. LAWRENCE RIVER AND CANALS Length Normal Length Number between depth in of hollow Minimum over NAME LOCATION miles Locks quoins width sills Benuharnois, Canal <3... eee 11% 59' Canillone fo a5 8 Oa eee ..Carillon Rapids Ottawa River: 700 oe 0.94 2 200 45 9' Grenville; 0, ..s.5.......4.< one Sault Rapids Ottawa River ies oo 694 5 200 45 9.5' Cuambly Canal oe a sone 9 3-4-5&6 118 TAS 7-8&9 125 Wornwalle@unal 6 ose ee I 6 270 45 48' Barrans Point Canal ....:... Siclcuuie GW Sinise sores bros eee biselcuy cs ove ed: al 800 45 BEM Glove Canal oe ce ee i oe 1 3 270 45 15%,' Wachine Canal 20. 66. ee Bh 5 270 45 45' Rapigs lat Candl oo ks ek ee 2 270 45 114%' Biden NAVIEAMON iy fee ccc gee ces cot oe ees cece) 12614 47 134 Bo 4B. 71" Rideau' Perth: Branch .¢....- 0. apes nee Pe oes ; 2 134 33 26' St, Annies Och... 660 ee: Dea e ee cce. iis ye 1 200 45 3° Sty Ours: och. ee eles ae 1 200 45 5B' Soulanges; Canal). 3.8 See eee ene oe eas Pe Le 4 280 45 84' FRG. STR. SEAWAY QUEEN Upbound in the Detroit River at the Ambassador Bridge. 133