N.D. pucuTM or ae MINE S:D: ' 9 ST. PAUL | Minnearorse | ; | a AT sioux © lA NEB. k MiSSOU, KA a i sy S - KAN. | | MO | (" ee 2% G -- --- 4d 4 Di Naas : i ge Gar Knoxvillty _ \ fe a Quan a OKLA | é a TENN. ""e iG fea ee elves ARK ? ' ec" eansAs A oa4 ot Enns Pa ak | % af o ' ° 2 t VRMINGHAM é | aor? £ 1 SA pRmincPory | CAMDEN 2 i 3 © = | ay T Io = MISS a, Li eN ! 2 fe? SHREVE pops, z 1ape ALA oe ye eee 2, % : a TEX. ig a oS EO 1 Bproeite d LA cauni: en "Ns FLA. INTRACOASTAL a "Nog pm eae ee RENEW ORLEANS - Houston ye < GALbESTONgy : \ gE eS 5 ve 3 yonvus CHRIST Waterway from the Great Lakes to the Gulf with connecting waterways. Copyrighted by M. E. Green, 1965 ay 7 * Sy A N. PORT 11A/7LANE) LAKE ERIE O DUNNVILLE WELLAND © WELLAND JUNCTION 0 HUMBERSTONE 0) @7 COLSORN CHIPPEWA Q LAKE ONTARIO O\ SORT DaHousie PORMWELL ER O WiacrRa. THE WELLAND CANAL Name Miles Port Colborne to Port Dalhousie (Old Canal) eis kere sc oe 2634 Port Colborne to Port Weller (New Oanal) 23... ;: Pawnsie vies eave 20 Port Colborne to Allanburg (Old PING) vicki oe 11% Port Maitland to Weeder ..,........55....4........ Rea bedeeesecce.. LO4 Feeder Junction to Dunnville enh acr ec ROCKS e ee conan e esc eh oes ol Port Robinson to Chippewa ...... cee tbe heceeeserssscsccsess S14 Guard Locks (000055 Pea eG sims acaba ee Nester cee Lift of Hach Lock .......,; Control Lock at Humberstone is 1380 feet in length. (Longest in the world: Time for ships to pass through canal: 8 hours, Estimated cost of this canal $130,000,000.00. Work started in 1918--and opened in 1981. 136 Copyrighted by M. E. Green, 1965 Locks Dimensions Lift 25 270x45 32634' 7 800x80 32514' 461,'