TUGS OF THE GREAT LAKES--Continued NAME Con- Gross ee Year oe. struction Tonnage L B D Built Type OWNERS i Be ca 1g 10" 10" : Soe Dn) ee ae a que oe a 1952 Diesel North Western-Hanna Fuel Co., Duluth, Minn. pe Siecl 2 ae fea oy 1909 Consolidated Dredge, Montreal, Que. es Steal is zt B'2" 1923 i E. Hooks, Rockville Center, N. Y. Be eect a oe - cr 1909 Price Bros., Detroit, Mich. [ord Strathcona (Can.).... Steel 495 160" =a" ge dea ec On eee oo pai a 20° 12'6' ' 1917 Diesel 12-278A 1250 HP. Converted 1950, G L Tow'g, Cleve., O. 2 pul (Can) Phan h ee Wis 2 apn o 78 1908 Love Const., Grand Haven, Mich. Lowe, M J (Can . Steel 34 59' 14' on oh oS ike ae on (mu. I. as on : as. Lowe, Killarney, Ont. ae be a ae ao 18' : 7 ; 18. Diesel | Marquette Cement, Chicago, Ill. a a Se as ar 2 ee 25 10 13'8 1943 Diesel Seagoing Corps. of Engrs. U. S. Army, Chicago, Ill. ae a. a a a ee 5' ] 1939 Motor _Luedtke Eng'g., Frankfort, Mich. oe : on : Ewe 3 ee bes 14°9 oe 1928 Motor Luedtke Eng'g., Frankfort, Mich. a 0 :. Ds 5 ae ge a 26" : 128" 1926 Great Lakes D. & D., Chicago, III. bee e 2 De ery - ae 17'3 a 1940 Boone Dredging, Toronto, Ont. ae 7 e Pee one. at oe _ 13' : oo 1941 Floyd Glover, Montague, Mich. yon C. ee ee 53/6 14'8 6'6 1909 Bingley & Son, Cornwall, Ont. We ei ee ee Steel 96 81' 20 126" 1921 Diesel 12-567 1000 HP. Converted 1951, G L Tow'g, Cl i / , , soa ir. , , Cleve., O. MeriypJarre ccs Set She Ege 1, Sal Matlin res, 1 log, aes rtny, JEIry.......... 2 a fe : . McCarthy on, alo, N. Y. Mare Wee Set BEE gO" A et Genel BC Chg DOW Go, es a os rea es D,. ., Chicago, II. a Dees ' a a gr me 27/2" 15'6 1928 : Marine Industries Ltd., Montreal, Que. oe . Hie ee 3 ae 16'6" 9' . 1913 Diesel McQueen Marine Amherstburg, Ont. So Cg Soa s 5 15'1 5/3" 1924 Geo. Fickenworth, Erie, Pa. athe MAN ek S. ae rv 75'8" 19' ; 8'5" 1914 Canadian Dredging, Midland, Ont. Le oe se : 59'4"" 15'6" aT 1942 Geo. McElhaney, Toledo, Ohio a ae er 36 37'1" he 5'3" 1939 Diesel Candler & Bass Inc., Detroit, Mich. a ae an oo. : = 3 125'2 23/6" 14'9 1918 Marine Industries, Montreal, Que. ve a (Can). 5... ae ea 5 60° . 15'3"" 4 | 1904 Sorel Harbour Tugs, Sorel, Que. iepe a oe 0/55 96" 6" 20) 6" 10 3" 1938 Abitibi Power & Paper Co., Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. Loe Dee Q ee 30 45°3" 12'5"" oe 1930 Bruce E. Nelson, Northport, Mich. ve ce tee 40'0" 10°6" 4'3 1934 Corps of Engrs.U.S.Army, Sault Ste Marie, Mich. @nsnipco....... oo. Steel 18 42/5" 11'9" 9 1936 Manitowoc S. B. Co., Manitowoc, Wis. Mle eek is Steel 99 79'8 2i'1 9 1924 Great Lakes D. & D., Chicago, Ill. Markham, Gen. Edw. M... Steel 65 bor" «617 Ti 1917 Steam Frank Becker Towing Co., Detroit, Mich oe i rancis a): ae pos 27 50'3" 12'4"" a 1909 Wm. Martin, Penetanguishene, Ont. artin, Argue (Can.)...... Stee 71.94 64' 19/2 9! 1895 The Hamilton Harbour Com., Hamilton, Ont. ec es, Steel 99 75 alt 16" 1924 Great Lakes D. & D., Chicago, III. BI ieee: Wood is ao. | 1358 4'6" 1920 L. D. Lee, Vermillion, Ohio oe 0 A ee Wood 13 wo 4. 102" 4! 1906 A. H. Richter, Kenosha, Wis. ee Wood Bo O13 ile 6'6"" 1912 Ben Gagnon, Escanaba, Mich. WE es ean ss Steel 95 81' 20' 126 1925 _ Diesel 12-567 1000 HP. Converted 1952, G L Tow'g, Cleve., O. Mary Margaret............ Steel 55 61'5'" LS! 6/6" 1923 Motor Char.-Beaver Isle, Charlevoix, Mich. We NG ea es Steel 144 85' 24' So" 1946 Diesel Material Service, Chicago, IIl. Massachusetts. ........... Steel 94 84/4" = 20' 12/6" 1928 750 H.P. Great Lakes Towing, Cleveland, O. Mather (Can.}............ Steel 145 815! 19' 10'5" 1905 Ont.-Minn. Paper Co., Kenora, Ont. Matenea (Can.).......... Steel 113.66 12: 2018 10' 1899 Steam McAllister Towing, Ltd., Montreal, Que. ee ones Wood 38 eee 56" 1914 Mathon Kyritis, Waukegan, III. Mathieu, Tom (Can.)..... Wood 20 54' 14" 2 1914 J. A. Mathieu, Rainey Lake, Ont. Maiev NM... Steel 36 aay. Vai20 64" 1934 E. B. Matthews, Oscoda, Mich. Matton, Margaret......... Steel 138 BIB 23/37 10/9" 1946 Diesel R. E. Matton, Waterford, N. Y. Mayer, ee Steel 58 68/2" 1672" S/O! 1909 Great Lakes D. & D., Chicago, III. Mew ioseph............ Steel 92/0" 23/0!' 7'6" 1949 4 T.G.M.671 DieselsCity of Chicago, Chicago, III. Meneray, W. E. (Can, )-.. - Steel 1s 60/7" Tue Bip! 1924 Emery Meneray, Lions Head, Ont. Merganser (Derrickboat) .. Steel 88/0' = 30/0" 6/0" 1924 Corps of Engrs.U.S.Army, Sault Ste Marie, Mich. Meme e.J............ Wood 21 dz'a" Y0'2" 5'6"' 1905 J. B. Masse, Grand Marais, Mich. Milw. Fire Dept. No. 15... Steel 194 1pe'2 26" 137 1903 City of Milwaukee, Wis. Milw. Fire Dept. No. 29... Steel 148 96' poe. 116" 1906 City of Milwaukee, Wis. Michigan ees Steel 95 81' 20' 12'6" 1913 Diesel 12-567 1000 HP. Converted 1953, G L Tow'g, Cleve., O. Mildred (Can)... ..... Wood 39 70' 10' o5e 1903 Archer Heintz, Bracebridge, Ont. Meads Wood 16 43' 12! 4'4"' 1934 Dunbar & Sullivan, Buffalo, N. Y. Millar, Gerald (Can.)..... Steel 1084 400" > 106" 50" 1958 Dept. of Pub. Wks. of Canada, Ottawa, Ont. ee... Steel 109 79! 21' 13' 1932 Diesel Petco Corp., Milwaukee, Wis. Mee Wood 45 52m, ( 13'27 Gl? 1922 W. W. Prue, Green Bay, Wis. WO. Steel 87 81' 20' 12'6" 1911 750 H.P. Great Lakes Towing, Cleveland, O. Minnie -- (an)... Wood 57 63' 14:2" 8' 1911 Consolidated Dredge, Ottawa, Ont. Minor, John A. (Can.)..... Wood 40 Soe". iv' 5 1913 Keewatin Lumber, Keewatin, Ont. Miseiord (Can.)........:. Steel 113 80' 20' 5" 1915 John McLean, Soo, Ontario Maar Steel 98 81' 20' 126 1916 _ Diesel 12-278 1200 HP. Converted 1957, G L Tow'g, Cleve., O. lm Steel 99 81' 20' 12'6" 1915 Diesel 12-567 1000 HP. Converted 1956, G L Tow'g, Cleve., O. Motta... Steel 98 B44" a0 126" 1929 pD.Elect. 8-498 1400 HP. Converted 1956, G L Tow'g, Cleve., O. Me. Steel 97 12 2 162" 4/4" 1905 F; F. Fix, Buftale, N. Y, 143