GRAIN ELEVATORS OF THE GREAT LAKES--Continued ee Searle Elevator-- Maximum length of vessel that can load at elevator: have load- ed 600 feet. Loading capacity to cars per 10 hours 20. Elevating charge per bushel: Information on request. Days of free storage 10 days. Supt.--Ernie Jowitt. i. &. Conn: C, P. Ry. Phone MA. 2-7745. Owners--Searle Grain Co., Ltd. Mer.--S. A. Searle, Grain Exchange, Winnipeg, Man. Mouth Mission River, Fort William, Ont. Number loading spouts 4. Capacity per hour loading spouts 60,000 bu. Storage capacity 5,000,000 bu. Elevating charge (chargeable to Shipper) Regular Lakehead Terminal Tariffs. Loading capacity to cars per 10 hours 80,000. Can handle any size boat. Depth of water at dock 25 feet, channel 25 feet. R. R. Conn.: Inter-switching off both railroads. Mgr.--L. C. Irwin. Res. Phone MA. 2-5093. Westland (D)-- The Upper Lakes Shipping Ltd.-- Westland Elevators, Ltd., Fort William, Ontario. Phone 3-7043. Mgr.--H. W. Willett. Kaministiquia River, Fort William, Ont. Marine loading legs 7. Capacity per hour 17,000 bushels each. Number of loading spouts 13. Storage capacity 8,000,000 bushels. Depth of water at dock 22 feet. Can handle any size boat. hk. Rh. Conn.: ©. P, R. Supt.--W. Staples. GODERICH, ONT. Goderich Elevator & Transit Co., Ltd.-- Phone JA 4-7367. Location: Southeast corner of Harbor. Operator: The Goderich Elevator & Transit Co., Ltd. Address: Goderich, Ontario. Manager-- R. G. Sanderson. Storage capacity: 3,000,000 bus. Number of Marine Elevating Legs: Three. Capacity per hr. (Marine Elevating Legs) 25,000 bus. per hr. Number of Marine Loading Spouts: One. Capacity per hr. of loading Spouts: 18,000 bus. per hr. Depth of water at dock: 23 ft. Channel 23 ft. Maximum length of Vessel that can load at Elevator: 625'. Maximum length of Vessel that can unload at Elevator: 625'. Maximum beam of Vessel that can load at Elevator: Any beam. oe beam of Vessel that can unload at Elevator: Any eam. Loading capacity to cars per 10 hrs.: 200. Elevating charge per bus. (Chargeable to Shipper) 1-%¢ to cars, 2-%¢ to trucks. Days of free storage: Five. Insurance rates on Grain per $100.00 Valuation: Absorbed by the Elevator. Shoveling charge per 1,000 bus. (Chargeable to Vessel) $5.06 Bulk. Overtime by arrangement, $6.00 double deck. Steam Shovel charge per 1,000 bus. (Chargeable to Vessel) in- cluded above. Weighing charge per 1,000 bus. (Chargeable to Vessel) in- cluded above. Trimming charge per 1,000 bus. (Chargeable to Vessel) in- cluded above. Supt.-- I. D. McConnell. Res. Phone JA 4-9112. R. R. Conn: CNR -- CPR. Phone JA 4-8742. Location: Goderich Harbor. Address: Goderich, Ontario. Operator: Upper Lakes Shipping Ltd. Manager-- R. M. Menzies. Storage capacity: 1,600,000 bus. Number of Marine elevating legs: One. Capacity per hr. (Marine Elevating Legs) 20,000. Number of Marine loading spouts: None. Depth of water at dock: 21/6' Channel 23 ft. ce aces length of Vessel that can load at Elevator: Cannot oad. Maximum length of Vessel that can unload at Elevator: 450'. 158 Green Bay Elevator "B"-- National Harbours Board Grain Elevator-- Robin Hood Flour Mills, Ltd.-- Maximum beam of Vessel that can unload at Elevator: 60/ Loading capacity to cars per 10 hrs.: 50 cars. | Elevating charge per bus. (Chargeable to Shipper) 1-5¢ in cars -- 2%¢ in trucks. Days of free storage: Five. Shoveling charge per 1,000 bus. (Chargeable to Vessel) $5.00 single deck vessels, $7.00 double deck vessels arranged, Supt.-- E. Peachey. Res. Phone JA 4-9504. R.:R. Conn: CN & CP R. R. GREEN BAY, WIS. Phone HE. 5-9546. Location: Fox River. Operator: Strid Grain Co., Green Bay, Wisconsin. Phone HE 7-5454. Manager: R. J. Henderson. Storage capacity: 400,000 bu. Number of Marine Loading Spouts: two, but not in operational condition. Capacity per hr. of Loading Spouts: 15,000 bu. Depth of water at dock: Not known, not sufficient for boat loading. Maximum length of Vessel that can load at Elevator: not used for Marine loading or unloading. Loading capacity to cars per 10 hrs: seven cars. Elevating charge per bu. (Chargeable to Shipper) under State supervision. Days of free storage: subject to tarriffs. Insurance rates on Grain per $100.00 Valuation: 0.256¢. Weighing charge per 1000 bu. (Chargeable to Vessel) if used under State tarriffs. Supt.--H. J. Anderson: 5440 Dupont, South Minneapolis, Minn, Res. Phone TA. 38-8374. R. R. Conn.: Chicago Northwestern. HALIFAX, N. S. : : L Phone 423-8231, Location: Pier 25, Halifax N. S. Operator: National Harbours Board, Ocean Terminals. Manager-- J. R. Mitchell. Storage capacity: 4,152,000. Number of Marine Elevaiing Legs: One. Capacity per hr. (Marine Elevating Legs) 15,000. Number of Marine Loading Spouts: 4 spouts Pier 24, 4 spouts Pier 25, 2 spouts Pier 26. Capacity per hr. Loading Spouts: 90,000. ; Depth of water at dock: Pier 24 (30 ft.), Pier 25 (40 ft.), Pier 26 (45 ft.). Channel 50 ft. Maximum length of Vessel that can load at Elevator: Un- limited. Maximum length of Vessel that can unload at Elevator: Un- limited. Maximum beam of Vessel that can load at Elevator: 80'. Maximum beam of Vessel that can unload at Elevator: 80'. Loading capacity to cars per 10 hrs: 30. Elevating charge per bus. (Chargeable to Shipper) 2/5 of $16.75 Per Thousand (Dischargeable). Days of free storage: Five. Insurance rates on Grain per Storage including insurance: 1/30¢ per bus. Shoveling charge per 1,000 bus. (Chargeable to Vessel) Steve- dore charges by arrangement. Supt.-- Roy Carr. Phone 466-9409. R. R. Conn: C. N. & C. P. Railways. HUMBERSTONE, ONT. Phone Temple 3-3152. Operated by--Robin Hood Flour Mills Limited. Elevation and shoveling: Information on request. Loading to vessel: Information on request. Loading to cars: Information on request. Storage: Information on request. pee ie and/or inherent explosion covered by the ele- vator. Turning: Information on request. Bulkheading: Information on request. Drying: Information on request. Cold-blasting: Information on request. Capacity--public 350,000 bushels--private 1,950,000 bushels. Construction--reinforced concrete. Marine legs--one--36,000 bushels per hour.