SERVING THE SHIPPERS OF THE GREAT LAKES THE CLEVELAND-CLIFFS STEAMSHIP Co. Bir. whl G MATHER 13,400 Tons Str. WALTER A. STERLING _____. 23,400 Tons mir BRONTENAC 2 12,800 Tons Str. EDWARD B. GREENE... 19,600 Tons pir. PONTIAC 12,800 Tons Str. CLIFFS VICTORY 17,200 Tons Bie tee ING. 10,500 Tons Str. CHAMPLAIN = 15,300 Tons Mi Le eal 10,575 Tons sir. CADILLAC 15,275 Tons THE CLEVELAND-CLIFFS IRON COMPANY 1460 UNION COMMERCE BLDG. CLEVELAND, OHIO 44114 William F. Rapprich John L. Horton Manager Marine Dept. Assistant Manager Telephone 216-241-2356 Teletype 216-574-9234 SEAWAY TOLLS Schedule CONVERSION TABLE Toll Lake Ontario ' Coton Ueee Gomilete Knots to Miles Per Hour Lake Ontario (Welland Canal) oe ota Knots 0 1 a 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | 1. For transit of the Seaway, a composite toll, OOWINISING: 5 5a $ $ $ h (1) a charge per oe reed ton, ee h m ing to national registry of the vessel, appli- mph mP men dus P cable whether the vessel is wholly or par- 0 0 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9: 10 tially laden, or is in ballast.............. $ .04 $ .02 $ .06 (2) a charge per ton of cargo, as certified on 10 12 13 14 15 16 7 18 20 aI =) a manifest or other document, as OUOWS os ee 20 2 ore 6h BRP UH BRB SH DUIK CAIGO. vei ce eo seer A0 2 #« 30 35 36 37 38 39 AO Al 43 WA A5 ----Benelal CAIRO. cs. ek csec sc uc teres 90 05 95 (3) a charge per passenger................. 3.50 4.00 7.50 40 #6 24 46 #50 = 51 BD 683. CSA. BS OG (4) minimum charges, subject to the provi- sions of sub-items (1), (2) and (3) above: 50 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 66 67 68 mpleaslire Chath... 55.5 .u sass sees 14.00 16.00 30.00 mOtHOF VOSSEIS. 055 cise es cere c cas 28.00 32.00 60.00 72 78: 79 o 7" H ~ = 2 ie f 2) For partial transit of the Seaway: 7O 81 82 83 #34 +85 = 86 68 69 90 71 (1) Benieen Nae and Lake Ontario, in either direction, 15 per cent per lock of the applicable toll; 80 2 93 24 96 +97 «398 «~=«©99 «(100 «101 «102 (2) Between Lake Ontario and Lake Erie, in either direction, (Welland Canal), 50 per cent of the applicable toll; no toll to be assessed unless at least one lock is transited, or 90 164 105 166 107 108 109 111 112 113 #114 with respect to Lock 1 of the Third Canal at Port Dalhousie, Ontario. (3) Minimum charges: USCOMM-WB-DC --pleasure craft, $2.00 per vessel per lock transited; --other vessels, $4.00 per vessel per each lock transited. 15