COAL AND MISCELLANEOUS DOCKS OF THE GREAT LAKES--Continued Operator: Canadian Import Company. Shell Oil Co., Dock-- Phone VI. 21560. Unloading of vessels done at Berth No. 1, north wall of the Address: P. O. Box 27, River Rouge 18, Michigan. Inner ae yin eee ae yer Pc artee Oe Com- Location i ae eee Fort & West Jefferson. pany (see above). (Canadian Impo ompany). Manager--cC. E. Regent. Storage capacity: 100,000 tons coal. : Da Her ico on ecihaintoadine boats. Depth of water: 25 ft. (vessels enter and leave basin at high Depth of water at dock 21 ft. Channel 25 ft. tide only; width of entrance to basin: 64 ft.) : Maximum length of boat that can reach dock 525 ft, eee ae Le ee ee eng) Basin: 600 ft.; Length of dock 525 ft., length of slip, Rouge River, width 200 ft R.R. Conn: Canadian National & C.P.R. Standard Oil Co. (Indiana)-- Location in Harbor: River Rouge. oc ae) = WIS. Operator: eee . Co. (Indiana). Phone Vi. 1-1171. -- . Manager--Ollie Neville. oe Getic a of river above W. G. & E. Dock. Method of sore ee in Tanks. ce: ain St. Depth of water at doc t. sy a a and oo Agent. oe - oe ee can reach dock 500 ft. se self-unloading boats only. Length of doc : Storage capacity 25,000 tons. Sane Pp. B. Rickards. eae ae bie at ae feet. an handle any length boat. R. R. Conn.: C. M. St. P. & P. ta eee Supt.--A. Gregory. Charlotte Docks Co.-- Phone Charlotte 1149. Location: Genesee River 2% miles from Lake Ontario, - Pugh Coal Co., Ww. H.-- Phone J. 48. Opr.--Charlotte Docks Co., foot of Boxart St. North side of river at entrance. Supt.: H. T. Jack, 234 Cravenwood Ave. Phone Charlotte 4117M. W.H. Pugh, Mgr. and Purchasing Agent. Dock equipped with 6 pockets with chutes. Cars dumped with 1 Link-Belt Bridge. Hewitt-Robins car shake-outs. 4% ton clam shell used. Capacity 15,000 tons per 24 hrs. | ;, ee ee ae ten Bae fooitles io poets tne all type boats. | : ethod storage--Track. | Capacity per 10 hours 3,000 tons. Storage capacity 1,500 cars Bituminous and Anthracite. Boise wate ot duck 18 test fonete of dace veo tae | Can handle any size boat. RR Gia: . & O. R. R. | R, R. Conn.: C. M. & St. P. Asst. Train Master. C. H. Hufnagle. Supt.--Christ Hansen. Res. Phone P. 3736. Pugh Coal Co., W. H. -- Rochester Gas & Electric Corp.-- Location: Erie St. Bridge at Fourth St. ieee oe eed ak a _ e D Depend on self-unloading boats. a o oe Se es Agent. Purchasing Agent--E. B. Robinson, 89 East Ave. Denth of ae at deck 16 feet. Bo ae ee ee oe Use self-unloading boats only. Gun tarda eters pe Storage capacity 60,000 tons. Length of dock 600 feet. Supt.--Christ Hansen. = ey Rok. Conn. N.Y. CG, Pugh Coal Co., W. H.-- Phone Jackson 48. Location: Root River, north side, above Main St. Bridge. ROND EAU BAY (ERIEAU), ONT. oe Agent. Lake Erie Nay. Co., Walkerville, Ont.-- Phone 3-5229, S : , Lake Erie Coal Co., Ltd. Phone Blenheim 82. torage capacity 40,000 tons. ; Depth of water at dock 18 feet. A. E. Beeston, Mgr. and Purchasing Agent. Supt.--Christ Hansen. Tolan Belk United Fuel & Supply Co.-- Phone 32494, 5 ton clam shells used. Located in river close to harbor. Capacity 10 hours 5,000 tons. Use self-unloading boats only. Storage capacity 300,000 tons. Storage capacity 12,000 tons. Depth of water at dock 20 feet. Channel 22 feet. Depth of water at dock 16 to 20 feet. ge apie ee ee ees R.CN RR. Conn,: C. & N. W. - wy wonn.: +. M.. M. 0. G, 1., O. P. R., C. N. Max M. Seft, Mgr. and Purchasing Agent. Length of dock 1,800 feet, slip 1,875 feet, width 100 feet. Maximum length of boat that can reach dock 350 feet. Supt.--C. Stevens. : Length of dock 350 feet. This dock also used by Pittsburgh Coal Co. 7s. Conn,: C. M. St. BP: & P. Supt.--Wm. Panyuk. ST. CATHERINES, ONT. RIVER ROUGE, MICH. Homer Dock-- Peerless Cement--Brennan Ave. Plant-- Phone VI. 2-4945. Location in harbor: Welland Canal at St. Catherines, Ont. Secation: Main Channel--Rouge River, Mich. on Scobies Transport Ltd., 749 Park St., Niagara Falls, ee: eerless Cement Co., 1144 Free Press Bldg., Detroit, Man agen--Glen A. Scobie. Phone Elgin 8-3627. President: R. V. Morrison--Phone WO. 1-6150. Pur. Agt.--Glen A. Scobie. Purchasing Agent: W. T. Wyman. Depend on self-unloading boats. Use self-unloading boats entirely. Method of storage: warehouse storage. Depth of water at channel 21 ft, below LWD. Depth of water at dock 26 feet, channel 26 feet. Can handle any size boat. Maximum length of boat that can reach dock 450 feet. Length of dock 800 ft. Maximum beam of boat that can reach dock unlimited. Supt.: C. J. Line, Port Huron, Mich. Phone YU. 2-0176. Length of dock 500 feet, slip 450 feet, width unlimited. R. R. Conn.: Canadian National Railway. SEE OUR COMPLETE MAPS OF HARBORS | 212