INDEX -- LIST OF ADVERTISERS INDEX -- CONTENTS THE COMPASS SHOWING EVERY POINT AND DEGREE Zé eer te ge See "422222222 . * i Vy MW x : ae S| My: BAGO he wi us My . ' t Is by yy" Te W, Reap WG ne YN, 3 WW -byy. aii W. by Ny, y\ W. by WN. we W.% N. ' ' W.% Ne y N. WAN. YN W.% S: US, W.% S- a Ww. - A S. '8 VS by > - by "AS. WN. S 1 Noe SH 6 We. ee : Sy Se ev we <a a a a : v '> j nw ot SS on =z5 ee ye pe VF SSO PSSA REEL EO GUE a See mmo ve "ee ~ 2 = Seam =. et a a mrs Y ~" The Italians have always contended that Flavio Gioja, of Amalfa, Italy, invented the Compass in the year of 1362 A. D. The Chinese also claim to have invented the Compass in the year 2634 B., used it at sea was about the year 300 A. D. The Venetian Marco Polo is supposed to have introduced it into E another Italian, Flavio Gioja, a Neapolitan navigator, to whom belon Legend also has it that the Swedes were familiar with the Compass i tial wig Nay "Le SESS sae 5 S See Tt gs the credit of the suspension of the needle in 1302 A. D n the time of King Jarl Briger. 1250 A. D. 9.68 O ROW 088 8, en 0d ae WOW Ooo CLSINL © One, 676.8 ¥ OS RONG SCETE WORE DUA OAR Weal BERTECS SAE aioe > C., but the earliest date that they appear to have urope in about 1260 A. D. His work was furthered by Copyrighted by M. E. Green, 1965 ILLUSTRATIONS Aerial View of Port of Montreal, Quebec ee Menihek Lake, Str. SG TO es plack Bay, Git ee 5 Milwaukee Outer Harbor... 5 16 Conadec: MV a 125 Montreal Harbor, Elevator #4... 34 Collingwood Terminals ine: 113 Nicholson Terminal & Dock Co... 1 Gomesudoc, $F, ee 20 Northwestern-Hanna Fuel Co. - Windsor Dock .....__. 7 Cornelius, Adam E.; Str 3. = 20 menwey Queen, Sit... 133 Empress of Canada, Stk... = ss 117 Sensibar, J. R., M/V - Self-unloader ...... 16 France, John A., Str... 4 ereriing; Welter A, Str... 14 'ackson, Herbert C,,: Str oe 6 me COMMON, 2 Inside Front Cover 'e, Carel, Str ee 122 The Pilison Meme fer Ships... 18 {ed 0, Sins SS 246 Weather Signals oS 14