Cargo Soliciting and Stevedoring General Lake Shipping General Steamship Agents Gulf and Ocean Charters Made As the ST. LAWRENCE SEAWAY becomes part of our everyday life, let us help you take advantage of this inheritance. We can assist you with your import and export problems. MANZZUTTI ENTERPRISES LIMITED Phone: Office 256-7427 Res. 256-5329 P.O. Box 757 SAULT STE. MARIE, ONTARIO, CANADA ESTABLISHED 1903 LEICHT'S (Leicht Transfer and Storage Co.) 1401-55 State St., Green Bay, Wis. 54306 Warehousing 4 Private Docks Stevedoring Served by all Railroads Material Handling 90 Car Track Capacity Distribution All Types Hauling Yard Storage Shipping Crane Service Crating American Warehousemen's Assoc. Mayflower Warehousemen's Assoc. Wisconsin Warehousemen's Assoc. Phone: 432-8632 Area Code 414 @ TWX: 414-498-3459 Member: Green's Great Lakes Directory The Original Publishers of Coal Docks on the Great Lakes since 1910 INTERNATIONAL LONGSHOREMENS ASSOCIATION LOCAL NO. T 366 ae A.F.L.-C.1.0. Loading & Unloading of Grain, Steel, Scrap Iron, Automobiles and General Cargo DULUTH, MINN. Phone -- Exp. 4-5003 E. L. Slaughter -- Int'! Vice Pres. Mike Mirtica -- Pres. -- Fred Beatty -- Sec'y-Treas. Phone Export 4-5551 Nite Phone Export 8-3451 BERTHIAUMES INC. Marine Supplies, Groceries and Meats Goods Delivered by Launch 1107 Ogden Ave. Superior, Wis. 1113 Georgia Ave. Phone: Dial Glencourt 7-5571 EXCELSIOR LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANERS SHEBOYGAN, WIS. Phone Atlas 4-275] Marine Trade a Specialty Port Washington, Wis. PHONE Dial Export 4-5565 -- MARINE -- HAWKIN'S LAUNDRY MARINE WORK OUR SPECIALTY LAUNCH and AUTO DELIVERY NIGHT or DAY SERVICE Night Phones: Export 4-3115--4-3045 When in the Twin Ports Give Us a Trial 1310 Ogden Avenue SUPERIOR, WIS. Phone: Export 4-5565 49